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WHEN THE COUPLE WAS DONE, with their food, they both thought it'd be best to just go home since Y/N was so very sad, and Saiki had to act like he was. He thought it was the hardest thing he ever had to do, but he felt so happy that he could be the one to comfort the woman. It made him feel like he was her protector and comforter.

After the pink haired man paid for everything, he silently sat across the the female he loved and leaned his back against the chair, still not saying anything.

He just watched as Y/N continued staring down at her table with sniffles coming from her nose. It seemed that she didn't really want to say anything either, so Saiki just thought that he would speak first.

"Y/N... Are you ready to go home yet...?" He muttered as he slid his hand across the tables so it could reach hers.

Gently allowing the male across from her to take her hand in his, she just bit against her bottom lip and nodded her head up and down, showing that she wanted to go.

Saiki let out a sigh and tilted his head to the side with a lovesick smile on his mouth, "Y/N... Don't feel so down, alright...?"

"O-Okay...." She was quick to reply since she wanted to force herself to feel okay with the blue haired boys death, but the sadness was still clear in her voice.

His smile dropping at the sound of Y/Ns voice trembling and beginning to grow all shaky, Saiki then pushed his hand up to her face, causing her to finally look up from the table.

He cupped the side of her face with a glimmer in his dark purple eyes before he flickered them inbetween the other teens now shining E/C eyes and lips, "Listen, Y/N... I want you to know that.. no matter what you go through... I'm always going to be here for you.. do you understand me Y/N?"

Y/N just tilted her head down a little, but then she suddenly felt the males hand being wrapped around her jaw before he forced her to look back up at him.

"I love you... And I always will, Y/N..."

Now that's what really caught her off guard. She wasn't expecting those three words to come from the pink haired man at all. But if she was being honest with herself, she loved it. She loved the way it sounded from him and she especially loved the way it was directed towards her.

Her lips parted and a cut off gasp was heard from her while all of her thoughts lapped on top of one another. "Oh... Saiki, I... I love you too...."

Saiki felt his heart leap inside of his chest before he pulled himself back and slid to the side so he could be next to the girl.

Once he was finally out of his seat, he went over to the girl and placed his lips on top of hers, his cheeks getting red.

The girl immediately kissed him back and fluttered her eyes shut.

As they both kissed in unison, Saiki tilted his head to the side and fluttered his dark eyes shut as well while his breathing got heavy.

They were too engrossed in the kiss to even notice the dark haired girl that was walking up to them with a grimace on her face. She felt awkward just approaching the couple, but she knew she had to or else she'd get in trouble for not doing it sooner.

She raised her fingers up to the crouched over male and gently tapped him on the shoulder, watching as he just leaned his face closer to Y/Ns while he shrugged her fingers off of him.

Gasping with a slight pout, she crossed her arms with an eye roll before she decided to try again.

She pushed her hand back up to the pink haired teens back and gave him yet another tap on his shoulder before she seen him finally pull away from the woman with a loud groan that was heard from majority of the people in the small cafe.

The man turned himself around with a clenched jaw, "What do you want?"

"I... Uhh.. we see that you've already finished eating... A-And we have some other customers that.. might be coming, so... We think that.. you guys should just leave if you're not eating anything else.."

Saiki tensed up and let out a long breath before he casted his eyes on the H/C haired teen that slowly started to rise from her seat with an embarrassed look.

His eyes softened at the look on her face and he reached his arm out for her to take, "Come on, Y/N..."

The girl wrapped her arms around his and prepared for take off with the man that loved the way she began to rest her head against his shoulder.

"You'll be coming home with me tonight..."

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