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A/n: okay uhh, I won't bring Kurona in this chapter since..I kinda wanna know what yous really want his and Isagis relationship to be 😭..cause some of yous want them as friends and others as a crush soo...

Which do yous want? Idm either one.






"It's finally interval.." Hyo sighed out of relief as him and Isagi were walking up the staircase heading for the roof.

"So, who were you sitting next too?" Isagi ásked tilting his head.

"Oh! His names Kunigami, nice guy." Hyo nodded his head with a smile.

Isagi nodded his head.

"K." Was all he had to say.

"You think we're going to beat Reo and Nagi to the rooftop?" Hyo asked as they were almost at the top.

"Probably not, they'll probably be there first." Isagi said.

"Makes me wonder if they get let out of class early." Hyo hummed, Isagi just shrugged.

They reached the door leading to the rooftop and opened it, they looked around and immediately spotted Reo and Nagi.

"Looks like we didn't beat them." Hyo sighed.

"Maybe next time." Isagi said and walked over to them with Hyo catching up to him.

"Heya! What'd you guys do?" Reo waved with a smile.

"Science and Art." Isagi said.

"Oh? What'd yous do in art?" Reo asked tilting his head.

"Literally just a portrait of someone." Isagi shrugged, all he thought about the class was boring.

"And we also had a seating plan." Hyo added.

"Really? None of mine and Nagi's classes have a seating plan." Reo explained.

"Lucky.." Isagi groaned.

"He's uh...sat next to Itoshi Rin." Hyo awkwardly chuckled.

"Oh..damn." Reo sweatdropped.

"Yep." Isagi nodded his head.

"Anyways I'll be back, gonna head to the bathroom." He added and stood up brushing himself off.

"Alright!" Both Hyo and Reo said, Nagi just nodded his head, not a big surprise but he kept his face focused on his phone.

Isagi nodded and began heading towards the bathroom, to be honest, hes only used the bathroom at school once or twice. He wandered around for a little bit trying to find his way before accidentally bumped into somebody.

How much times will he do this?

"Oh, my bad, I wasn't watching where I was going." Isagi sweatdropped and looked at the somewhat cherry haired male.

The male looked at him, narrowing his eyes, looking him up and down.

"Watch yourself next time." He said, his voice blunt and cold, reminding him of a certain someone.

Isagi clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"If it's you, I'll pass." He responded to him and walked past him.

Only for Isagi to be grabbed by the arm, now who done that again?

"Excuse you?" He said.

"Just being honest, all I did was bump into you on accident." He shrugged, hearing this, the grip on Isagis arm tightened.

The opposing male was about to open his mouth to speak again before someone had literally ripped off his grip on Isagis arm.

"Sae, watch yourself." Rin growled and pulled Isagi close to him, which, to this point Isagi was frozen and didn't even know what to do, I wonder what he's thinking.

"Oh? Jeez, never thought you'd stick up for someone you hate." Sae said, almost mockingly.

Rin clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Shut up." He said, both the brothers glaring at each other at this point.

Rin roller his eyes before grabbed Isagi by the hand and dragging him away from Sae, which somewhat woke him up from his train of thoughts.

"Where are you even dragging me?" Isagi asked.

Rin paused for a moment before stopping and letting go of his hand.

"Oops." He mumbled.

"It's...fine." isagi said and looked at him.

"Why'd you do that for?" Isagi asked.

"No reason." Rin responded and completely avoided eye contact with Isagi.

"Right...I don't believe you, you know?" Isagi hummed.

"I didnt have a reason, just go back to whatever you were doing." Rin said.

Isagi stared at him for a few more seconds contemplating before sighing and turning away from him.

"Yeah okay whatever." Isagi said.

"Thanks anyways." Isagi mumbled and walked away from him.

What Isagi didn't know, was Rin was currently flustered.

But finally, Isagi went to the bathroom like he was originally trying to do and went back up to the rooftop where the other were waiting.

"Well that took you an insanely long time." Hyo mentioned.

"Yeah." Isagi nodded.












A/n: tysm for 7k reads??? 😭🙏

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