Trip to Dwargon for Craftsmen

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Rimuru wakes up a single tear coming from on of his eyes.
A tall female goblin greats him.
Goblina : great Rimuru are you ok?
Rimuru: yea I am fine, I just had a bad dream that all.
Goblina: I am gonna go get elder Rigurd.
Time skip because it is pretty much the same until Rimuru leaves to Dwargon Except for one part where Rimuru was making the 3 founding rules.
Rimuru was announcing the 3 rules but he hears the voice again before he says the first rule

Voice again: if I had been more specific about rule 1 then ~~the goblins ~~~~ which ~~~prevented~~~~~~~~~~~
The  ~~~~~ is pretty much like radio static where you can only make out a few words.
Rimuru: First rule, no attacking humans except to defend yourselves if they wanna do harm to you, and make sure to use appropriate force based on how dangerous they are. Rule 2 no fighting among yourselves. rule 3 no belittling other races.
Rigurd: why are we not allowed to attack humans?
Rimuru: the reason is because I like humans and they live in big groups and if you mess with them they could retaliate in a big way, but some of them can be greedy, and cause harm to us, but if we can work together it will benefit both us and humans.
Now back to where Rimuru was about to leave.
Rimuru: Alright I am gonna bring gobta, rigur, range and a few others with me, Toga I want you to stay behind and help protect the village.
Toga: understood lord Rimuru.

They then set out towards Dwargon, it took only  3 days to arrive there, Rimuru decides to only enter with gobta to avoid suspicion.
They are waiting in line but Bandits arrive.
Bandit leader: looks like the goblin has returned, we are not inside yet so we can kill it right.
Rimuru: sorry but this goblin is under my protection.
Bandit leader: listen kid if you don't wanna get hurt then step aside.
Rimuru: A kid, are you referring to me?
Bandit leader: Who else do you think we're talking to?!
Rimuru: do I look like a kid to you, do you actually think I am a kid, I shall show you my true form!
Rimuru turns into a tempest star wolf and knocks out all the bandits with his menace, as well as some bystanders accidentally. The guards then take him into custody with gobta after he detransforms.

In the prison the same thing as usual happens where Kaido was about to release rimuru but the mine incident happens and Rimuru's release was delayed because he gave Kaido healing potions to help and then was thanked the next day by the ones he helped.
Rimuru asked Kaido about any good smiths to help his village and Kaido guided him to Kaijin's workshop.

Kaido: hey bro, you here.
Kaijin: yea, give me a sec.
Rimuru: forgive us for interrupting.
Then Dord, Myrd, and Garm walk in and we're surprised that rimuru was there.
Kaijin: a kid, a friend of yours, boys.
Garm: Kaijin, this is the kid we told you about.
Dord: the one who saved us yesterday.
Myrd: *makes a short Freddy fazbear laugh*

Not joking as I was rewatching the English sub Dwargon episode for the chapter at this scene I was thinking of what of how spell how the sound effect he made, but I realized that I sounds a lot like Freddy's laugh but less creepy.

The reason why the characters are calling rimuru a kid is because his human forms age is dependent on how strong he is, and since this is before he met Shizu that would mean his form would be smaller than the one he had when he first transformed into a human.

Kaijin: oh, so this is the kid, you have my thanks.
Kaijin bows down to show his gratitude.
Rimuru: oh, it was nothing, and I am not actually a human but a slime.
Rimuru transforms into a slime and back.
All them were shocked a little bit.
Kaijin: that was a bit unexpected but I am guessing you want something?

Rimuru tells him about his village and their need for modern equipment and buildings.

Kaijin: I understand your situation my Garm, Myrd, and Dord, can handle accessories, leatherwork, and buildings, but I am backed up at the moment, all thanks to an impossible order a certain foolish minister put it.
Rimuru: impossible order?
Kaijin: we might be going to war soon, and he asked me for 20 longswords in 1 week.
Kaijin: I am short on materials, so I could only make one right now.
Kaido: why didn't you say it was impossible and refused?
Kaijin:I did at first ya fool, but that minister Vesta said that since I was said to be the best around that I should have been able to handle it, and he threatened to take away my smithing license if I could not do it.

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