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A/n: k then, looks like Kuronas gonna have a lil crush on Isagi then 😋.





"We'll see you guys at lunch!" Hyo waved bye to Reo and Nagi since interval finished.

"We...have History now." Isagi explained placing his hands into his pockets.

"Well that's a boring lesson." Hyo yawned.

"Mhm." Isagi nodded his head in agreement.

"So, what did take you so long to go to the bathroom?" Hyo asked.

"Bumped into someone." Isagi explained.

"Oh?" Hyo asked.

"Itoshis brother." Rin finished his sentence.

"Are you alright?" Hyo asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Isagi assured him.

They then headed to History, a boring class, and then afterwards they had drama.

"Now this class I've been looking forward too all week!" Hyo exclaimed basically jumping in excitement.

"Yeah, yeah." Isagi chuckled as he was walking beside Hyo, somehow being able to keep up with him even while walking.

"Itoshi has been staring at you throughout History though." Hyo hummed as he remembered all the times he caught Rin staring.

"Huh? Really?" Isagi asked completely unaware of his surroundings, clearly.

"Mhm~.." Hyo nodded and shrugged.

"Oh well." Isagi shrugged.

And then they had finally made it to Drama.

"Hiya~! I'll be your drama teacher for the next 2 years so, I hope to meet yous all properly! My name is Ms. Aya." She introduced herself.

They had played a few little games together before she decided to talk about the assessment that'll be due in week 4.

"Alright, so for this assessment, I'll give you guys a script for a group of 4, and yous will have to figure out who's, who, set your scenes and act it out! All the scripts are different so it isn't boring. Ill also be pairing you guys into groups." Ms. Aya explained.

Hearing this, Hyo immediately stepped away from Isagi, in hopes they'd be put on the same group.

"Yous will be presenting your plays in 3 weeks time, and I'd yous need longer, I'll set it to 4 weeks." She smiled.

Then she began pairing everyone up, and thankfully luck was on both Hyo and Isagis side and we're put in the same group.

"Aha! How'd I know?" Hyo said very clearly proud of himself.

"Yeah, yeah." Isagi smiled.

And the other 2 members of the group, Rin and this other cherry haired colour both Hyo or Isagi hasn't talked too.

"Great." Isagi said, his mood completely depleted.

"Well..." Hyo sweatdropped.

Hyo thanked the teacher when she gave them the script and Hyo and Isagi read it together while the other 2 just stood there silent.

"Eh?" Isagi asked confused.

"This is confusing." Hyo mumbled.

"Right." Isagi said in agreement.

"Uh, here, yous can read it, then we can discuss who would like to be who." Hyo said and held the paper out for the 2 other boys.

They both took the paper and read it together, and overall were very, very, awkward.

"This...is so awkward." Hyo mumbled to himself.

"Okay." Rin said and handed the paper back to Hyo.

"Oh, and sorry, what was your name again?" Hyo asked looking at the somewhat cherry haired.

"Kurona." He responded, very quietly.

"Thanks!" Hyo smiled and looked at Isagi.

"Who would you like to be for this?" Hyo asked.

"The easiest character." Isagi responded.


"So...which do you think would be the easiest?" Hyo said.

Isagi only shrugged in response.

"Okay...well, who would you two like to be?" He asked turning to Rin and Kurona.

The 2 of them both thought in silence, making it awkward once again.

"I'll take the girl." Kurona responded.

"I'll take him." Rin said and pointed to the person he was talking about.

"Okay, so now who would you like to be Isagi?" Hyo asked Isagi once again.

"You pick your character." Isagi said.

Hyo only sighed but nodded his head understanding and then they had their characters sorted, the storyline of the script was basically just 3 siblings and one had a girlfriend, which the girlfriend was Kurona. It wasn't that much of a complex script, which they got lucky about since Bachira had came over to talk to them.

Bachira was paired with 3 others both Isagi and Hyo haven't talked too. They were one of the groups with a complex script.

"Yous sure you're okay with playing couple?" Hyo asked sweatdropping as he watched Kurona and Isagi try to be touchy with each other.

"It's...fine, we'll get use to it." Isagi sighed, Kurona nodded his head in agreement.

Though, Hyo was definitely uncomfortable being around Rin right now, he could feel the anger rising, wonder what he's mad about? Or is he jealous?






A/n: poor Hyo ☠️☠️🙏.

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