The Love Story

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Its 9am and Im low key not ready for school at fucking all. Im still trying to decide what to wear so I can make a good impression for all my teachers and fellow classmates. Also I really enjoy the compliments lol. I really have low expectations for finding someone to be with this year because my last situation didn't end too great. But I also don't expect to find a bad bitch at my lame boring school either. As Im walking into the building I was looking around to see if I recognized any of my friends. I didn't see anyone so I walked over to the commins / U-Cafe area to go grab a snack. As i'm eating my chips I walk outside and look inside the library since it's surrounded by big glass window. I noticed the most beautiful and perfect put together woman Ive ever seen. She was working in there putting some books away. Long ass 50 inch buss down with a black hat, perfectly aligned brown lipliner and clear shiny lipgloss, black shorts and black tank top with black shoes of course. All i could think was.. "this is my dream girl right here" she has the most balanced mixture of femininity and masculinity which is something I admired the most. Her complexion was glowing like a sun kissed filter and her skin looked like soft cocoa butter. I couldn't believe how gorgeous this woman was. My mind was honestly altered and I was stunned by her beauty. I immediately run to go find my best-friend Munch. "BITCH COME WITH ME I NEED YOU TO SEE THIS" I told her..Me and her think alike so we both enjoy the beauty of women. She then says ,"Mannnnn i'm finna ask for her number" I reply, "Nahhh that one is alll mine." She then says ,"shieetttt aight." A few week goes by after my first time seeing that girl. She was all i could think about for those past couple weeks. I wanted to ask her for her number or socials a few times walking past her in the hallways . But my fear of rejection was too big and i was absolutely terrified to be told no. Soooo I sent my fren Munch in on a mission for me. First I needed to know if this girl was even gay so I had her go ask for me. So she did and thankfully she saidd yessss. i was geeked asf. A few hours go by and i see this same girl in my history class. she was in the back finishing up some work and my heart was racing an my palms were sweaty. i took a glance at her every 5 mins just to make sure she was still there.  Eventually she starts getting up an heading towards the door an luckily i sit in the back right by the door. i stopped her right before she touched the door handle and showed her this note on my phone. "Ima lil shy but can i have ur number?" she smiled, type sum back in the note , and she said yes and gave me her number. Since then me and this beautiful girl have been inseparable...

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