Part one

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Eloise isn't your 5'0 size 2 blonde love interest. She never imagined herself being the center of attention or catching anyone's eye, let alone two pairs at once. It's not like she has the tie anyway. Between college and work where is she supposed to fit romance? Now that doesn't mean she doesn't have flings. Even women have needs. So of course every once in awhile she does have a friend over to her little one bedroom apartment.

"Not that I mind what we have, I mean really making you moan and beg for my cock is hot, but do you think it's time for an actual date?"  Noah was hoping around on one foot, trying to get his jeans back on.  Looking in the mirror and fixing his dark brown hair, he gave himself a smirk.

Eloise rolled her eyes at him, rummaging through the hamper next to her bed for a pair of clean panties. Her curly brown hair a mess and getting in her eyes.

"Why is it okay for you to be a whore but I'm supposed to settle down? What? 26 is okay for men to be single but heavens forbid a woman nearing her 30s just wants to fuck around?" She was tired of having this discussion with him. He was the biggest whore in the town and somehow had the audacity to lecture her about settling down.

"Come on, Louise,you know what I mean. I've had girlfriends at least. The most you've had is me."

"You're right let me just go try out another dick for size and hopefully it doesn't come with a secret wife, kids, or a disease. Doesn't the dating pool sound so so appealing?"

He sighed laying back in the bed with her, playing with her messy hair. She hummed turning on the tv for background noise, half hoping he'd shut up about it already.

"You know we could always settle down together." This wasn't the first time he proposed he idea, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

"Noah..shut up and watch the fucking movie please."

He ran his hands over her stomach, she grimaced at the light touch. She wasn't somebody who was ultra confident in her body, but she knew Noah was somebody who wouldn't judge her. He didn't care that she had rolls when she sat, he never mentioned the stretch marks that found their way across her stomach and thighs. He never made any comments on the way her body jiggled when he fucked her. Not everybody is as compassionate as Noah.

She has clear memories of being bullied in school, of wearing layers in summer and passing out in gym class because somehow that was less embarrassing than showing her body. She was a 5'3" girl with big tits and a round ass, but her stomach did pouch alittle and her thighs had rubbed all the fabric in her jeans until they tore.

"Do you want a ride to work in the morning?"

"No, I like the walk. It's nice."

And she did. Well partially. She did enjoy the walk, the scenery, and being able to put in her headphones and just go. But she also didn't want to rely on Noah for much. She didn't want things to cross over to boyfriend territory.

"Okay, fine. I won't be around tomorrow night, I have a thing."

She snorted elbowing him in the chest.

"Oh yeah? What's this things name huh?"

He laughed shoving her arm away and shaking his head.

"Okay okay, it's Brooke again."

Eloise raised an eyebrow, smiling at him.

"Wow! Again? Sounds like I might be losing my fuck buddy. You gonna settle down with her, huh? She gonna make an honest man of everybody's favorite manwhore? Man your little groupies are gonna eat her alive." She joked.

Noah was very popular. He always had been. Honestly it was a mere accident they were even friends. If it wasn't for their mothers being best friends she doubts he ever would have looked her way. But Brooke, she made sense for him. She was a beautiful blonde who wore a lot of light colours and loved to pick flowers. She was the main character of your favourite novels or movies. And she was kind. She was beautiful and it didn't make her dumb or mean. She was exactly the girl Eloise wanted for Noah, she was the girl Eloise wished to be.

"I don't know. I mean you're not budging for me. And I really do like Brooke. I just don't know how to really do the monogamy thing, ya know? But she's so sweet, Louise. I don't know if dating her would be a good idea. I'd break her heart somehow."

A swift smack to the back of his head had him curling over and glaring at her.

"Just don't be a whore, dumbass! Is it really that hard not to stick your cock in every girl you see?"



"Shut up and watch the fucking movie."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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