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Death. it's a scary thing. No one want it to come... No one want to feel what it feels like to die in a car crash or in an airplane or be stabbed. No one wants to think of what if feels like or even imagine it. But i've seen it before. I see it almost everyday I feel what they feel when they get shot. I know that their pain travels trough their body just to end up in there brain and before they can say or do anything their dead.

I'm 18 years old and I'm an assassin. Yes I kill people for a living, but it's they only thing I know how to do. The only thing I learned as a child I've been a trained assassin since I was 10 the first time I killed someone was the man who assassinated my mother and father I didn't know them very well because they were assassins too so the were always working,I guess it runs in the family but I was 7 when I killed that man. I then went into a foster family that didnt care what happened to me, so when I turned 8 a women that worked with my mother put me into training to kill. I was the youngest of everyone there. All of them were at least 28 and I was a little tiny girl with long pretty brown hair standing in a room or scary mean big people. I didn't enjoy it but look at me now I'm nothing like them, maybe just a little. I kill, and if its a mean or evil man or women then I kill them brutally if not I won't even touch them. Not many people know me. Everyone knows my name but no one will talk to me. It's not that I mean or scary but there's a particular vibe that comes from me it's friendly and safe but people steer clear when I walk in a room, children love me though they all know that they are safe with me and that thy can tell me anything. Kids know that it's ok to come to me because if something is wrong ill stop it if you were having trouble somewhere all I had to do was look at the problem and it was gone. Forever.

I've probably killed more people then you have met in your life. My record of kills in one day was 87 now that is a lot of people how did I kill them all, well let's just say I'm skilled. But right now there's a problem someone's trying to kill me and I don't know who they are or who hired them or why they want to kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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