CHAPTER EIGHT - Answer The 80s Telephone

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"Hello is anyone there?"

"Amelie?" Nathalie recognized her voice. "How did you know that I was close to the telephone?" Nathalie continues.

"I-That does not matter right now, all that matters is you." Amelie says. Nathalie looked at her car again. "I really want to—" She was cut off by the blonde.  "Its getting dark over there, correct? You shouldn't stay over where you are." "Amelie I cant—"
"Get out of there."

"No. Amelie. Im trying to help you." She says dementedly. "YOURE NOT LISTENING NATHALIE!!"

Nathalie nearly drops the telephone. "Amelie.." "Sorry Nath, I mean to say that you are in danger." "What?" "Felix is after you. I know everything." Nathalie pauses. "Amelie, I need to tell you something.." Amelie lets her speak this time. "I'm—I'm—"

The timer runs out. So does the call.

"If you would like to continue the call, add another quarter in coin slot, if not— return the phone to the box."

"God.." She looks through her purse and she finds nothing. "I had so many more quarters in here.."

She looks at the telephone and puts it back in the box. "Im not safe?" She looks around.. "There's no one here.." Though, it was dark as a joke. "Where the hell is everything..everyone?" She looks back at where her car was. Its still there. She opens the door. "Wait.."

She tries to turn it on.. it wont turn on. But..somethings off..

"The gas.."

"Its not empty yet.." she must think that her car must've broke down first before she got there. She finds one last quarter on the floor of the car. She could call one more person. But only for a matter of time..until it runs out.

She runs back to the phone and gets indecisive on who to call. Some phone numbers were on the bottom of the dials. "Convenience store, gas station, Agreste Manor—Why the hell is that on there?!"

She calls the number and Adrien answers. "Nathalie?! Is that you?!"

"Adrien! Yes it is me. Get the two seat bike that I gave you last year for Christmas And pick me up on the trail to the local Gas Station."

"Okay Nathalie! Are you stuck somewhere?"

"The car broke down." She chuckles nervously.

"Ill pick you up Nathalie!!"

"Thanks dear.."

She hangs up and looks at the car. She walks back to the car. "I hope Gabriel doesn't get frustrated.."

Adrien pops up quickly panting. "Adrien. That was quick.." "Get on, Nathalie." Nathalie gets on the second seat. "Home?" "Yes Adrien—wait whats that behind your bike?"

Adrien looks back. "Its like a tow truck. It can pick up any car." "Adrien, why don't you pick up our car?"

Adrien turns and grabs the back of the car and attaches it to the under lift. He gets back in the car and both Nathalie and Adrien starts pedaling back to the house.

Nathalie coughs as a both sick of the miraculous and sick of the rain earlier. "Are you alright?" Adrien asked. "Just a Little Cold." She sniffles as she kept pedaling.

Once they got there, Nathalie pants and lets go of the under lift of the car. "Thanks Adrien."

"Yes Nathalie. I love helping you."

They go back inside and Nathalie looks up tickets. "Cheaper tickets.. okay." She purchased her tickets. This one can stop her from apologizing to Amelie.

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