3.2 | Stranger

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Anna rode her motorcycle into the school parking lot with Jasper following behind her in his family Jeep. Anna spotted the conflict between Jacob and Edward, she jumped off of her bike and rushed over to pull Jacob back before a scene broke out. "Jake, enough," Anna spoke sternly causing him to step back as Jasper walked over. "I'm coming here to warn you. If your kind come on out lands again..." Jacob trailed off seeing Bella looked between him and Edward confused. "Wait, what?" Bella asked while Anna sighed and looked down. "You didn't tell her? Anna?" Jacob turned to the blonde who rolled her eyes, she could see his protective nature for Bella appear.

"Just leave it alone, Jacob," Edward warned but it was too late, Bella already caught on to something important and she never backed down. "Tell me what?" Bella asked as Anna noticed the crowd, Alice and Colton standing a short distance away. "Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there's nothing to worry about," Edward answered her while Anna gritted her teeth, she was still upset with both males. With Paul for not backing down when they were chasing the same thing and with Emmett for taunting Paul into a fight. "Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town, too?" Jacob taunted making Anna angry.

Anna stepped into Jacob's view with her eyes no longer blue but overlapped by grey to show she wasn't screwing around. "You need to step off your pedestal, Jacob Black. There are no lies and you are no manipulating this situation to risk a chance with my sister, so back off," Anna warned causing Jacob to step back again, Bella watched with wide eyes while Edward lowered his own head; Jasper was watching with a proud smirk. "She has a right to know," Jacob defended. "Victoria is after me, Jacob. Edward was protecting her and you have no right to come in here hoping to get between them," Anna told him as her eyes returned to their nature blue.

"By lying to me?" Bella spoke up with an upset expression, her eyes glancing between her younger sister and boyfriend. Bella cut Edward off before he could say anything, "We're gonna talk about this, but... You." Bella turned to Jacob who held his head high as Anna moved to stand with Jasper. "Why haven't you called me back?" Bella asked Jacob. "I have nothing to say," Jacob answered her making Anna roll her eyes. "I'm not dealing with this," Anna muttered before grabbing Jasper's hand and walking away from the trio of madness. "Did I mention that I love it when you take charge?" Jasper whispered to Anna as they walked inside. "I don't recall but it's good to know," Anna told him with a teasing wink.

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Anna walked into her room feeling off, she looked towards her desk and noticed the photo of her and Bella had been moved; Charlie and Bella knew better than to touch her stuff. She turned to her closet, opening the door swiftly with her eyes overlapped by grey but no one was in there. She tilted her head before turning towards the window, she approached it and let her hand hover above the sill. "Someone's been here," Edwards voice caught her attention, she turned to see him and Bella watching her with worried expressions. "It was bound to happen sooner or later," Anna said with a frown, she had a feeling it was Victoria's doing but Edward was adamant on blaming the Volturi which only annoyed Anna.

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