3.9 | Silence

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Edward picked up Anna's body, he noticed Bella's distraught expression along with the dazed look in her eyes. The silence that surrounded them as they walked down the mountain was deafening but nothing prepared them for the response of the others. Bella's heart broke when she saw Jasper turn to them, his face broke into sorrow and the remaining Swan twin was convinced that it Jasper was still human he'd would've wailed in pain with tears. Jasper took Anna from Edward's arms, dropping to his knees as he caressed her face and blocked out everyone else. Paul ─ still in his wolf form ─ whimpered as he stared at the sight of his Imprint dead in her mates arms.

No one knew what to do in regards to Anna but they knew the Volturi was coming; at least, Jane was accompanied by Alec, Felix and Demetri. "How long?" Edward asked Alice breaking the broken silence. "A few minutes. Maybe ten," Alice answered in a shaky tone, Colton grabbed her hand comfortingly. "They timed their arrival well," Rosalie sneered though her eyes had yet to leave Jasper and Anna. "Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out," Emmett told her. Edward looked towards the fire and spotted a young girl standing there, "What's she doing here?" Esme stepped forward to protect the young girl, "We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting, she took it."

"The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves," Carlisle said before looking towards Anna and Jasper, his dead heart hurt for the sight. Jasper was staring blankly at his mate, his mind and emotions were numb as he continued to stroke her cheek as the others dealt with the surrounding environment. Jasper hadn't even noticed the mini fight which resulted in Jacob getting hurt, he was only focused on the woman in his arms trying to sense even the slightest bit of life in her. "Should we move Anna?" Esme asked Carlisle after the wolves had left. "I don't think Jasper will let us," Alice said with a sad expression.

"It appears you've done our work for us," Jane spoke as she approached, her companions stood behind her. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact," Jane continued before her eyes landed on Anna's body, "Almost escape, I guess." Rosalie glared at Jane's amused expression at the loss of Annabeth in the battle. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight," Alec spoke up from beside his sister. "Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary," Jane voiced though anyone could tell they were mocking the coven. "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose," Edward told her with a glare on his face, Bella was still crying silently beside him.

"Pity," Jane said before noticing Bree Tanner standing off to the side, "You missed one." Bree watched fearfully, looking from the blonde woman to the family that offered her asylum after being cursed. "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle informed her as Esme tried to keep Bree out of view and safe. "That wasn't yours to offer," Jane sneered at Carlisle before looking at Bree, "Why did you come?" Before Bree could answer, Jane activated her power causing Bree to scream out in pain. "They came to destroy us ─ to kill Anna," Esme told Jane in hopes to protect the young girl but Jane ignores the woman, clearly enjoying the torture.

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