4.12 | The Night Before

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Anna leaned against the bookshelf in the room with Edward sitting on the couch, Emmett seated near him and Carlisle sat to the right of Edward on a separate couch. Garrett stood with Kate and Bella who were also in the room, and Marin standing by Declan with her arms crossed and a worried expression on her face. "Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves. They may even target Anna," Edward expressed, the blonde nodding in agreement with his words; they would be their main targets to eliminate.

"Too bad we don't all have your shield," Garrett said to Bella, Anna smirked at her sister before looking at Edward; since their shared conversation, she had allowed Edward access to her main thoughts but nothing more. "Doesn't help me fight, though," Bella said from where she stood near Garrett and Kate. "No, but you could help the rest of us if you could project it," Tanya voiced from where she stood near Eleazar, the blonde looking at Anna who nodded. "She's right. I can't project my shield but with the right push, you could," Anna explained to her older sister.

"What do you mean?" Bella asked Tanya and Anna. "We mean shield someone other than yourself," Tanya answered her. "Is that possible?" Bella asked Carlisle. "Gifts can be developed. Over time," Carlisle answered her with a slight nod. "At first, mine was just in my palms. Now I can radiate it all over my body," Kate explained to Bella. "How do you do it?" Bella asked Kate, taking her hand in her own a little too hard, "Tell me." Anna stood up and walked over, placing her hand over her sisters, "We'll all work together to teach you. It'll be efficient on the battlefield to have someone capable of shielding everyone from Jane or Alec's abilities."

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"You need to visualize it. See you how it moves, What color it is. Now picture it expanding. Will it go beyond you," Kate expressed after the group had moved outside into the clearing, Anna stood with Garrett to watch the scene. Bella tries to imagine what Kate is explaining but only manages to bring up her shield for a moment. "I think she needs something to motivate her," Kate encouraged prompting Edward to step forward from where he was standing previously. "No," Bella immediately denied. "It's all right, I can take it," Edward reassures her. "He says that now," Garrett muttered to Anna who was smirking, she may have fixed things with Edward but she was eager to see Kate electrocute him.

"Focus, Bella, or he's gonna be hurting," Emmett taunted as he nudged Anna, the two were grinning. Edward puts his hand up ready to touch Kate's hand despite Bella's worried eyes on him. "Edward, I'm not ready to do this yet," Bella told him but Kate touched Edward's hand, sending a painful electric shock through him. "I'm sorry. I said that I wasn't ready," Bella told her husband. "Dude, you're not motivating her," Emmett voiced. "You want to try?" Edward asked his brother, Emmett raised his hands up and backed off making Anna laugh. Bella tries to use her power and Kate touches Edward, sending another electric shock through his body making Edward scream in pain.

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