No way this was this easy (chapter 6)

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Dark oreo pov:

it was now morning we all began to get up so we can get ready for the day where we could hopefully get to white lilies garden before nightime

banana cream got out of the tent so us girls could change

"so rainbow which way are we gonna head now?"

buttercup said putting on her apple green sweater and began to braid her hair

"well we still have to go through the ancient altar which by itself is gonna take about four to five hours and then well be at white lilies garden and then well try and find the base"

i sighed a bit putting on my cape this jounery was pretty long but i pretty sure it will be worth it so i could see dark choco again

we all headed out of the tent were banana cream came and went inside of the tent none of us were really hungry that morning so we just waited for banana cream to finish changing to then take down the tent

banana cream came out of the tent and we all worked together to break down the tent and pack it back up before we headed are way over to the ancient altar

rainbow was telling banana cream about which way we were gonna head buttercup and rosebush were talking about art like usual

the only thing that was on my mind was that knowing that very soon ill actually see my older brother again i felt exicted yet nervous on how he would react to seeing me again 

will he be happy,will he be confused,mad,not happy?

all those thoughts were going through my head i could really only hope this would end well

but another thing came to mind dark enchantress i will be facing her what will i do then i remembered buttercup's words to be bold and confient with my words against dark enchantress not to act scared but confient

we made it to the ancient altar and rainbow got infront to lead the way to white lilies garden

from what i could hear from her and banana's cream conversation she found a way around the academy so we had a shortcut there really glad rainbow is in this group or we would have been dead lost by now ill thank her later

banana cream walked over next to me and held my hand i looked over at him and blushed and blushed too i noticed rosebush looking at this before looking at buttercup

i made eye contact with her before giving her the look telling her to go for it she nodded her head before walking over to buttercup and holding her hand 

buttercup looked over at rosebush in confusion before smiling and holding her hand back

i mean i had to do it i knew rosebush had something for buttercup and she helped me confess my love to banana cream when i had trouble confessing and now i was gonna help her confess to buttercup when she was ready

pomegranate cookie pov:

i watched the young group of cookies as they made their way through ancient altar i learned the others names buttercup,rosebush and rainbow cookie their names fit all of them from what i have learend

the rainbow girl was really good at reading maps and directions and the two other girls seemed to like art 

i made my way over near the base to do what master told me too make it easier for them to find are base i do wonder what master's plans are with this group maybe master will try and lure dark oreo and her group to the darkside with us

i made a path to the base good chance they will follow it if not ill send posion mushroom over to them to lead them to the base

i headed back inside where master was waiting

"i informed the others expect the dark choco about dark oreo and her group and made a path to the base also i got the other three's names"

"good work pomegranate cookie  now what are you waiting for spit out their names"

"rainbow,rosebush and buttercup cookie their names fit with their looks"

"thank you pomegranate cookie and rememeber dont tell dark choco about this its a suprise just for him dont even tell him that we have a suprise for him"

"yes master"

i walked away from master to go back and keep watch on the group i packed a bag with me knowning that it will take a bit for them too get over to white lilies garden luckily i learned short cuts so its easier for me and the rest

i quickly found them again banana cream was holding dark oreos hand i can still only imainge how dark choco is gonna react to finding out his dear little sister has a boyfriend i just know this is all gonna be so fun to help with and watch

timeskip and dark oreo pov:

we finally made it to white lilies garden it was beautiful i know what white lily loved this garden who wouldn't

i remembered the days where she would take me and dark choco out of the kingdom for a bit and take us to her garden and we would make flower crowns together i sure do miss those days

"oh wow this place is so beautiful"

the rest were saying how beautiful white lilies garden was rosebush took out her camera she brought with her and began to take pictures of the white lilies 

"lets take a little break before we get up to find the cookies of darkness base"

we all sat down on the grass i really do wonder how the white lilies haven't died yet no one has been taking care of them since white lily dissapered after the war

"uhh guys i dont think its gonna be hard to find the base their's a path right there"

we all turned to where buttercup was pointing too and she was right there was just a path there waiting for us

"should we follow it?"

"i think we should even if it is a trap we have weapons and have basic fighting skills"

we all decided to follow it not before pulling out are weapons just in case the path was long and deeper we went the dark the forest got i was on edge but it felt like i couldn't stop i felt banana cream hold my hand to try and calm me down about this

the forest keep getting darker and darker until we saw a glowing red light coming threw the trees rosebush used her katana to slice the branchs off the trees to make a path for us and we saw the base

it looked like a a huge cake with many layers on it 

we saw the gate door we all looked at each other we all made are way over to the gate 

i took once last glance at my friends and boyfriend who all gave a me an encouraging look with all the confidence i had i grabbed the handle of the gate and knocked it on the gate 

i stepped back i saw a shadow figure coming towards the gate i knew those horns 

it was dark enchantress cookie...


hey guys its neo hope your so far enjoying the book 

i know my writing isn't the best and sometimes doesn't make sense but its alright at the end of the day i just do this book for fun 

and im sorry about all the sudden notifications earlier i had to do some tweeking to my book and put my current writing over the old chapters that i have saved in my notes so if i want to i can look back on them

and now im actually posting chapters ever day so i guess thats good 

and also sorry if this chapter was short its not because im lazy its because the chapter i want to be longer because that chapter is when the story will start taking turns for the good and worst so stay tuned!

thats all i have to say have a good day/night

neo signing off

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