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A/n: how tf is this book almost halfway to 9k reads now 😧😧.







"That...was the longest lesson, ever." Hyo groaned completely drained as he was currently collapsed onto Reo.

"Damn, what did yous have?" Reo tilted his head, most likely expecting to hear PE.

"Drama." Isagi responded for Hyo.

"Drama-?" Reo sweatdropped.

"Yep." Isagi nodded.

"It was like teaching a bunch of 4 year olds who are all introverted." Hyo complained.

Reo just patted his back giving him pity, while Nagi and Isagi were as usual, right by each other and Isagi was watching him play his game.

"Makes me wonder actually, do you guys have any language classes?" Reo asked.

"Uh, no actually, I think we get those in the other half of the year since we..have Drama, Dance and Cooking." Hyo explained, still on Reo.

"What do yous have for last lesson?" Hyo asked and looked at Reo.

"We have a language class, kinda forgot what though." Reo shrugged.

"Ooh...I see." Hyo nodded.

"What do yous have?" Reo asked.

"Pretty sure it's English." Hyo responded as he tried to think back when he looked at his timetable.

"Ooh, okay." Reo nodded.

"Oh and Isagi, I won't be able to come to the dorm til around 5pm, my family wants me for something." Nagi shrugged.

"Alright." Isagi nodded.

"You can come to our dorm if you get sick of Itoshi." Hyo added with a thumbs up.

Isagi chuckled and nodded. Nothing really happened at lunch break, and then it was last period, which went oddly fast. Isagi was walking with Hyo to his and Reo's dorm to drop him off before heading to his own.

After doing such and reaching his dorm, he opened the door and closed it behind him, immediately heading for the couch since he was way too lazy to make it to his room. He collapsed onto it, without realizing it, he fell asleep.

Unfortunately it wasn't much a long sleep, he woke up at around 4:10. He yawned and looked around noticing a blanket was placed on him, wondering if Nagi was back, but if he was, he probably would've been out in the living room with him.

He sat up and looked for his phone noticing Hyo had tried to call him around 2 times, then he just ended up messaging him, nothing important, he just wanted to know what the science homework was.

"Oh, so you're awake now." Rin said who was currently walking into the living room.

Isagi looked up at him before clicking.

"Ah, so you put the blanket on me?" Isagi mumbled a little bit of his sentence.

"Mm." Rin hummed in response and took of drink of the glass of water he was holding.

Isagi just guessed that meant a yes, cause Nagi wasn't around. They both were both in dead silence, not speaking or anything, Isagi felt a bit awkward.

"Did you have something you want to say to me...or?" Isagi asked and looked up at Rin.

Rin looked at Isagi, before looking back at the wall, then sighed.

"Sorry." Rin mumbled.

"Huh?" Isagi asked.

"Sorry." Rin repeated himself, more clear this time, not facing Isagi though.

Isagi paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts, wondering if he heard right.

"Oh.." Isagi responded quietly.

They were both in silence for a little bit longer.

"It's...fine, I guess." Isagi said, a bit awkwardly.

Rin looked at Isagi for a moment before nodding and looking away.

"Thanks...I suppose." He mumbled.

Isagi nodded and Rin then finished off his glass of water finally, he then went to the kitchen, then to his room. Isagi let out a sigh he didn't know what to feel about the situation that had just happened, but he just decided to ignore it since Nagi would be back soon.

Isagi in the meanwhile, laid in bed on his phone, just laying straight on his back, he was on Instagram for awhile, but then Hyo started messaging him, just checking if Isagi had lost his temper yet.

After a little bit longer past, the bedroom door opened, Isagi looked up from his phone to see Nagi, who looked a bit worn out.

"Hi.." Nagi waved with a small yawn and walked over to the bed.

Isagi waved back to Nagi as Nagi crawled onto the bed and made his way in-between Isagis embrace, as his head currently rested on his chest, closing his eyes.

"Tiring?" Isagi asked as he placed his phone down and patted Nagi's back.

"Mhmm.." Nagi nodded his head, enjoying the comfort.

"I see." Isagi nodded.






A/n: yippeeee

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