Winds of desire (Niall Horan fan-fic)

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Chapter 1

    You sighed and dragged your bags. "Why can't I have a boyfriend?" You mumbled to yourself. You were on your way through the

airport to go find your cab, when you heard screaming, then a bunch of yelling. You looked up just in time to get tackled by a big group

of girls.You landed with an, umph, then you heard yelling, and some guy spoke to you, as you groaned. " Everyone back off! I'm so sorry,

love. Are you okay? Come on, you need to come with us. We don't have time to take you anywhere else." Then you felt yourself and your

bag being lifted up. For some reason you couldn't move. You panicked in your mind, but you felt comforted at the same time. You didn't know

what to do. So, you just laid there in his arms, his big muscly strong arms. You sighed in your mind as you were laid down on something flat.

Then you heard multiple voices. "Who's that?" "Is she okay?" "What happened?" "Lay her down." They were all guys. And they had accents?

What are they doing in America? You thought. The one who was carrying you sounded different from them, though. The others sounded British,

you couldn't determine his. "Call the paramedics, Louis." You heard someone say. It was irritating you, how you couldn't move or open your eyes.

You wanted to cry. All you could do was lay there and not move nor speak. Your ribs were hurting badly, though.

    You could feel them get closer to you. You heard the Louis guy speaking on the phone but the other four voices were surrounding you. "She's kind

of gorgeous, isn't she?" You heard a really deep voice say. He spoke just a bit slow. Weird. "Yeah, the fans tackled her, she got stomped on. I think she

has a few broken ribs, though." It was the guy who carried you that spoke, now. "The paramedics are on their way. How is she?" You heard someone

with a raspy voice say. "Bad, her breathing is shallow. I hope they hurry. Someone like this shouldn't be hurt." You felt someone brush your bangs

away, leaving a trail of sparks that sent goosebumps along your arms. You heard a smacking noise. "Ow, what the hell Liam!" You heard him yell.

You wanted to laugh. "Niall, we don't know this girl! She probably doesn't want us touching her." His name was Niall. Interesting. "Guys the Medics

are here!" You heard someone yell. It wasn't the Liam, Niall, or Louis guy. Or the deep voice guy. Who are these people! Ugh. You heard the door open.

"Everyone, come with us! Follow the ambulance, this girl has broken ribs, and she might be temporarily paralyzed!" Then you felt yourself being lifted

up again. Paralyzed?

Chapter 2

      You heard the wheels rolling, then you heard a door slam open, and you were laid in a bed and hooked up to an IV machine, and an oxygen tank. You

could breath better but your ribs hurt very bad. Your head was starting to pound, and you could feel it hurt as bad as your ribs. You wanted to yell out, tell

them what was wrong, tell them you didn't want to be in a hospital! But you couldn't. You heard the one named Niall trying to get in, but the doctors yelled

at him, and told him to get out. Then the door shut. You could hear the doctors, and nurses, speaking to each other. "She's stable, but we need to work on the

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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