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Nyx Monroe stood at Platform 9¾ along with her father Hadrian Monroe and her mother Vanessa Monroe nee' Sweyln .

She boarded the train and sat in a compartment . She pulled out a book on Runes as she found them intresting .

She heard a knock and saw a girl at the door
" Yes ?"

"Hello , can I sit here ?" She asked politely

Nyx nodded
"Nyx Monroe " she introduced

" Well met Heiress Monroe i am Pandora Lestrange "

" Well met Heiress Lestrange , call me Nyx "

"Call me Dora "

The started talking and Pandora asked the million dollar question .

" Which house do you think you'll end up in ?" She asked

" Slytherin " responded Nyx

"Me too " said Pandora smiling

Sometime later they saw two boys knock on the door . " Come in " said Nyx placing her mask again .

"May we sit here for the train journey" asked one of them with black curly hair and stormy grey eyes .

Nyx nodded and they introduced themselves as Regulus Black and Barty Crouch Jr.

" Well met Heirs Black and Crouch myself Nyx Monroe and this is Pandora Lestrange "

"Well met Heiress' Monroe and Lestrange , call me Regulus and him Barty "

"Call me Nyx and her Dora " said Nyx smiling a bit her emerald green eye softening a bit . The same was done by the rest of the occupents who started talking with each other. 

"Anything off the trolley dears ?" Asked the trolley lady as she stopped  her cart at their compartment.

" A chocolate frog and a licorice wand " said Nyx

" A chocolate frog " said Pandora

" The same " said both Regulus and Barty.

The lady nodded and handed them their chocolates and everyone payed . Nyx waved her hand and the door got closed shut and the occupants looked at her with a bit of awe in their eyes . It was rare to see people preform wandless and wordless magic . Heck it was rare to see a person doing either one .

" That was wandless and wordless magic " said Barty

" Obviously" drawled Nyx

" Nyx is the primordial of darkness right ?" Asked Regulus and she nodded ," Regulus is a star, correct ?" He nodded and she went back to reading about runes .

" You like runes ?" Asked Pandora

"Yea , i like the subject , if you think about it you can mix runes to make a rune powerful enough to kill a person or save a person from , the killing curse " she said while having almost moved her hands .

This did not go unnoticed by Regulus who decided to leave it for a later date . Nyx looked outside the window and saw the faint outline of Hogwarts in the night sky .

Darkness , she never hated or feared it , rather she loved it , it made her feel at home of sort . Of course there was a reason why but she never told it anyone but her parents who were proud of her abilities .

She stood and everyone looked at her with mild confusion ," Hogwarts is approaching , Dora we have to change into our robes " she said in a no argument voice .

Pandora got and the two headed towards the girls bathroom and changed into their not-yet coloured robes .

The two walked back into their compartment when they came face to face with James Potter , one of the people she had been warned to stay away from .

"Oh hello name's James Potter , i know I'm awesome but I'm taken " he said arrongantly and Nyx raised a brow .

"Hello Heir Potter you are , I believe in second year so it's impossible and it is frankly none of our business about your life . Goodbye Potter " said Nyx and turning on her heel along with Pandora .

"Wait what are your names ?" He asked desperate to continue the conversation. Nyx and Pandora shared a look .

" See it during the sorting " said Pandora smirking as the two girls made it back into their compartment. Regulus and Barty seemed to be talking deeply about something and didn't notice the two girls take their seats .

The train rolled into Hogsmeade station and Nyx sighed and cleared her throat . "We've reached " she said and the four exited the train .

The four walked outside and a boy who looked similar to Regulus glared daggers at the him . She looked at their similarities and concluded they were brothers and this was Sirius Black . 

" Regulus why is your brother glaring daggers at you ?" Asked Nyx with a raised brow . Regulus cranked his head and saw his brother glaring at him , beside him stood James Potter . Regulus sneered at Sirius and he backed away , climbing in a carriage .

The four sat together in a boat and through the mist above the Black Lake came Hogwarts . The castle stood there in all its glory , a feeling of warmth passed through Nyx as she felt the Hogwarts Magic wrap around her like a blanket. 

She stopped feeling cold and noted that her friends were still shivering . Did they not feel the magic ? Now she was confused , confused for once in her life. 

The boat reached the shore and the boys extended an arm out for the girls to walk out of the boat , per Pureblood custom ofcourse . The four walked and the other first years followed Hagrid until they reached a room with two giant doors in front of them .

A stern looking woman stood there and she wore a black pointed hat with dark green robes . " Hello i am Proffessor Mcgonnagle and there are four houses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff , Ravenclaw and Slytherin . Your triumphs will earn you points and any misconduct will mean removal of certain points . You will be sorted in a moment , please straighten up " she said in an no argument voice .

Nyx was impressed by the woman and cleaned her robes of any creases . The same was done by the other three .

She heard a commotion to her left and saw two boys arguing . She rolled her eyes took nothing of the two . Professor Mcgonnagle then walked in and frowned , she tapped one of the boys on the shoulder and announced them to walk into the great hall .

There was an old hat on a stool and Mcgonnagle explained that they had to sit and place the hat upon their heads when they were called .

The sorting contiued on , she only politely clapping for both Regulus and Barty who got into Slytherin . James looked intently at her and she glared.  Finally her name was called out .

"Monroe , Nyx "

Nyx schooled herself and walked towards the hat with every inch of Pureblood grace which impressed many upperclassmen . James partly gasped as he got her identity and Sirius looked confused while glaring at his brother .

" Slytherin " the hat bellowed and she gracefully handed Mcgonnagle the hat and sat at the Slytherin table beside Barty. After a few names Pandora was called .

" Lestrange , Pandora "

"Slytherin " the hat bellowed after 30 seconds . The Slytherin clapped politely for their new addition and she sat beside Nyx who smiled at her .

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