Shizu the Destined One

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Once Rimuru and the gang arrive back at the village they were greeted by the others and Rimuru has the dwarves help out.
When it became nighttime Rimuru had another nightmare but it wasn't from his perspective it was from the perspective of another man in a village that had Japanese structures, he heard a voice and saw an middle aged orge that had red hair.
Red hair: son you must leave with your sister and the others.
Rimuru/perspective: what do you mean father?
Red hair: my unique skill danger sense has picked up a massive threat coming towards us, he has already checked the threat, it is an massive army of orcs.
Rimuru/perspective: but we are stronger than them, we can easily beat them.
Red hair: sorry son but we can't they have large numbers and all of them have full metal armor and weapons, we don't stand a chance, they will be at our doorstep soon.
Then suddenly the alarm bell rings and a commotion is caused at the front gates of the village.
Red hair:they're here already!?!!
Red hair: you must flee now with the others, I will hold them of with the others.
Rimuru/perspective then grabs a young ogre with pink hair and run outside where they meet with 4 others one of them is tall with black hair, one is skinny with blue hair, one is feminine with purple hair, and the other is old with white hair.
Rimuru/perspective: we must flee before they get us.
Purple hair: but what about your father.
Rimuru/perspective: there is no time.
Voice: look like a few are trying to escape over here.
All of them look to see a fat clown with an angry mask on.
Clown: looks like I have to take you out then.
As the clown tries to attack them the red haired ogre jumps in front of them and takes a fatal blows.
Pink hair and Rimuru/perspective: father NO!
Red hair: RUN NOW, I will hold him off for as long as I can, this wound is fatal, you must survive so our clan can be brought back.
The group then run away with Rimuru/perspective and the pink hair in tears.
Rimuru then wakes up in the middle of the night.
[great sage: notice the nightmare you had is from unknown origins, the memory was not here at first but after you had the nightmare it materialized, it can be confirmed though that this is not yours]
Rimuru then sees hears a strange noise outside of his tent, he goes outside and he sees a adult woman with long silver-blue hair, red eyes that look like it can see through anything, and a group of cracks going across her face with a few already have fallen off.
Woman: your dreams and visions and not just coincidences, you will know the reason in time, the mysterious woman then enters into the woods.
Rimuru follows the woman, after a bit he comes to a part of the forest that is different than the rest, when he entered the area he lost track of the woman.
Voice: what is your business here slime ruler of the goblins.
Rimuru turns around startled and sees a dryad
Rimuru: you startled me, I was following a strange woman with silver-blue hair.
Dryad: We haven't seen anyone like that pass through.
Rimuru: what is this area?
Dryad: my name is tryni, and this is the home of the dryads.
Rimuru: so I accidentally walked into where dryads live, no wonder why you were cautious.
Tryni: It is normally hard form a person to find this place by simply wandering, perhaps your mystery person lead you here for some reason.
Rimuru: the person did say that my dreams and visions are not just coincidences, I tried to follower her to ask more but then she led me here and disappeared.
Tryni: It could be that she knows you well and that a recent dream you had could be important.
Rimuru: I did have a different dream this time, but it was from another person.
Rimuru then tells tryni about the village about the ogre village being attacked by orcs.
Tryni: that is very strange, I will keep an eye on a village that may be the one in your dreams, and if the orcs are gonna attack the forest I will make sure to warn them so they can survive.
Rimuru: thank you, I should get back to my village then.
Rimuru then goes back and fall asleep.
A few days later, the dwarves are working hard, there more goblins that have migrated because they heard about Rimuru, and gobta is showing off his ability to summon a tempest wolf to his friends.
Rigurd: lord Rimuru, our security team have spotted some suspicious humans in the forest.
Rimuru:hmm, I will go investigate to see if there good or not.
Rimuru then goes to where they are last spotted

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