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A/n: WOOO, 9K 🙏🙏










Finally Saturday, and Isagi currently couldn't move, Nagi fully collapsed on top of him and he was somewhat stuck underneath him, he tried going back to sleep but somewhat failed. So he rested there till Nagi would wake up, he just hoped it'd be somewhat soon.

He just by passed time by being on his phone. And not much of a surprise but Hyo ended up messaging him, and keeping him company the whole time since he had nothing better to do.

After maybe an hour, Nagi had finally woken up and apologized to Isagi, which of course, Isagi overall didn't really mind. So he reassured Nagi it wasn't much a problem.

"I'll be heading out for a little bit, if you get bored, just head over to Reo's and Hyo's dorm." Isagi explained.

"Okay, I might." Nagi nodded as he was a bit too relaxed in bed at the moment.

Isagi just chuckled a little and nodded before walking out of his and Nagi's room and then their dorm completely. He wanted to check out the schools library, since he was somewhat interested in what it looked like.

Especially since this school was seemingly expensive, he wondered how they managed to get so many funds, unless the principal of this school is just rich.

Once he made it to the, weirdly huge building that was the library, he walked inside of it and immediately was startled by the amount of bookshelf's and everything.

Though he wasn't all that surprised, considering if the school had enough money for a bundle of dorms, a huge library shouldn't be a problem at all. Isagi walked to a shelf and stared at the height of it, wondering how one is to get to the top shelf.

"Ah, wait, you're Isagi right?" A familiar quiet voice said to him.

Isagi turned himself around and looked at him.

"Oh, Kurona?" Isagi tilted his head slightly wondering if he was correct.

Kurona simply nodded his head as he was holding a few book in his arms.

"Are you looking for a book in the library?" Kurona asked tilting his head.

"Oh, not really actually, I was just curious about the library." Isagi responded.

"Alright." Kurona nodded his head.

Isagi didn't really feel all the awkward around him, even if Kurona was a very soft spoken person, he could understand him, and overall his aura was somewhat comforting to him.

"Well..um, are you free for a little bit..?" Kurona asked him, clearly nervous about asking.

"Mhm, I'm free." Isagi nodded his head.

"Okay then, I want to get to know you." Kurona said.

Isagi nodded his head again, and Kurona decided to lead to way to where they were going to go, in the end, he decided to just walk to the nearby lake.

"So, have you got any siblings?" Kurona asked tilting his head.

"I don't, but my best friend is like a brother to me." Isagi explained.

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