Chaser, Flower, and Heritor Unite!

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 Cerise Park was the brainchild of the genius professor Raymond Cerise, and was designed as an answer to the question for Professors located in big cities as to what to do with the Pocket Monsters (called Pokémon for short) they held onto for trainers. After studying habitats used by researchers such as Augustine Sycamore in Kalos, more standard storage solutions used by Aurea Juniper in Unova, and the literal ranch owned and operated by Samuel Oak in another corner of the Kanto Region, Professor Cerise developed a storage solution that combined the best of all worlds. It was massive - much larger than the laboratory building it was attached to. It was climate controlled - so that there wouldn't be any errant rain or snow storms on Pokémon who preferred more arid or tropical climates. It was varied - the construction work lead to the creation of rivers and streams, small forests and flowerfields, quarries and caves. It was the best environment imaginable for a researcher whose goal it was to discover the secrets of Pokémon located in every region.

But for a young Pokémon Trainer named Goh, it was something even more important: home.

Goh had lived in the Cerise Laboratory for a little over a year's time now, and with summer spreading out before him, he should should be so energetic and excited that he'd want to take a victory lap around the the entire park, grabbing onto and excitedly shouting at all of his Pokémon that lived there. After all, he had just finished his work as a Chaser for the researcher project known as Project Mew, whose aim it was to locate Mew on a dangerous, faraway island. Though the Chasers had encountered life-threatening danger in this mysterious, faraway place, they had accomplished the mission set before them and found Mew. Goh was able to express his gratitude for the Pokémon who set his life on such a dramatic course, and his heartfelt expression to Mew touched the mythical creature, causing them to call off a deadly attack and even sit in the palm of Goh's hand for a moment before teleporting away.

It was, in all the ways that mattered, a complete victory.

But Goh continued to stare at the very palm Mew had sat in, and he could still feel the plush feeling of their soft fur in his hand. And his mind was very far from his encounter with Mew, and the faraway island they called home.

After stepping onto the boat that would carry him back to Vermilion Harbor, he decided he'd try to give Ash a call. Ever since they parted ways in Wyndon on the eve of his final battle with the World Monarch Leon, it had been complete radio silence between them, and so the first thing he did, having spent the last few days traveling to and from Mew's hiding place, was call Ash.

"Goh! Did you do it?! Did you find Mew?!"

Ash's voice, even in his memory, still sounded bright and excited.

"What about you? Did you beat Leon?!"

"I asked you first!" Ash teased. "So you gotta explain what happened with Project Mew first!"

He was still feeling pleased as punch, but he didn't know the outcome of Ash's battle, so he didn't want to make it sound like he was rubbing his victory in Ash's face, so he tried to slow roll it. "Well, let me just start by saying that I was able to really tell Mew how I felt yesterday."

"That's so awesome!" Ash shouted, loud enough to nearly make Goh's ear hurt. "I'm so glad you were able to meet up with them! Congrats, Goh!"

Goh chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed. He watched Grookey play on the deck of the ship while he talked with his friend. "Thanks, Ash. I even got to hold Mew in my hand for a second!"

"Didja catch 'em?" Ash asked.

"No," he admitted. "Mew was too tough for us to even get that close with a Poké Ball, but even without catching them, we learned a whole lot! And it's not like the island's in rainy season all year, so Professor Amaranth might go back someday!"

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