Prologue: Worth Waiting For...

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Clarissa's POV

"I went down to the river,

I set down on the bank.

I tried to think but couldn't,

So I jumped in and sank.

I came up once and hollered!

I came up twice and cried!

If that water hadn't a-been so cold

I might've sunk and died.

But it was Cold in that water! It was cold!

I took the elevator

Sixteen floors above the ground.

I thought about my baby

And thought I would jump down.

I stood there and I hollered!

I stood there and I cried!

If it hadn't a-been so high

I might've jumped and died.

But it was High up there! It was high!

So since I'm still here livin',

I guess I will live on.

I could've died for love-

But for livin' I was born

Though you may hear me holler,

And you may see me cry-

I'll be dogged, sweet baby,

If you gonna see me die.

Life is fine! Fine as wine! Life is fine!"

"Thank you Clarissa for reading that meaningful poem written by Langston Hughes," Ms.Marrero, our english teacher spoke after I read the poem.

I hated english, and basically everything else that had to do with school and life.






You gotta be joking right now.

This is me. My name is Clarissa Mongamery. I am a junior at high school. I hate attention, and have fake friends that don't know the real me.

Wanna know more? Of course you do.

That poem that I just read always gets me confused, and it is actually funny that I finally care to learn something's meaning without obviously being forced to. The words make so much sense that it feels like I wrote it.

Anyways, other than the fake friends and hating the whole school thing life is actually... fine!

Yeah, not great or good but fine.

The things I hate way more than school and my social life is how my damn parents don't understand me.

I mean I am middle class so I'm not poor or anything.

I don't have anything wrong with my health because I was born normal when I was a baby.

I may be normal physically, but trust me when I say I'm not normal emotionally.

I have a great family with my little sister and all, but all my parents ever wanted from me is to be the best.

Well I guess I'm not at all sorry to say that I can not make that wish come true.

I never wanted to be the best of the best, because I don't seek attention.

Never really had, because I got used to the whole independent thing.

They don't know who I wanna be or what exactly I wanna accomplish because they never care, or even bother to ask.

I stopped caring when I found out that they would never understand.

So if you ask me how my life is going...

My answer will always be fine.

But I'm always here waiting for that one unexpected day that things may work out.


I'll be right here waiting, and it may even be worth it.


This is really personal, so basically my story. Except I changed things a little to make it interesting. Hope you like it. Please vote, comment, and message me about my story if you like. But remember that this is just the prologue, because I just wanna know what you guys think, and if I should actually continue.

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