Chapter 1

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—————————————————Jack's P.O.V.———————————————————————

          Two days had turned into two weeks and that turned into two months. It's been two months since I last saw Cherry. I have looked for her everywhere. I miss her, and so does Raven. God, Raven has become a beautiful little girl. Her birthday was last week, and Cherry missed it. She is six now, and she told me all she wanted was for her mother to come home. I wanted her home too. So badly.

           Jeff has been over here pretty often. He takes Raven out to do things. I'm at my wits end, everything reminds me of her. Our bed feels much lonelier than before, I sometimes have Raven sleep with me. She has nightmares almost every night about what could've happened to Cherry. She isn't dead though, I know that for sure. I got a call yesterday from her phone. She screamed for me to come and save her and I wanted to....god I wish I could but I can't. The person has good blockage, I can't even get Ben to help me get passed it and trace the number's location. I hear her scream echo in my head and I often sit in my room crying. I haven't slept in days. I miss her.

           I woke up today to the sound of a knock on my door. I pry open my eyes and throw the covers off of my body. Passing by the picture of Cherry when we first met, I walked towards the front door. Upon opening it I found a box with a note attached, I picked up the note and saw the words 'She is mine and you can't have her' scribbled in very messy handwriting. I crumpled the note up and threw it in m pocket. Then I picked up the box and opened it. Inside I found the engagement ring I had given to Cherry two months ago on that wonderful day before she was taken from me. 

           I threw down the box in frustration after taking out the ring and placing it on the necklace I had with mine on it. I never wanted to lose those so when I found her we could be reunited again and she would be mine. Now all I have to do is find her. I have to get out of this stupid depressed state and go and find her. Raven is with Jeff right now doing who knows what. Sometimes I think Jeff might like her more than a protective kind of thing which is not fine with me, but once I get Cherry back and Raven turns 15 I'm turning her into a proxy most likely for Jeff since, even though I hate him at times, he is a good killer and I know he will protect my daughter. Hopefully better than I protected Cherry. 

        My thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched scream. I knew that scream, it was the scream of Cherry! I looked around behind me but then I remembered that this happens every so often and it's just my imagination. The captor of my beloved is torturing me, toying with me. It only fuels my hatred for him and I know that when I find him I will kill him. Well, since Raven will be fine here with Jeff and Cherry must be saved and I can't wait any longer. The person has stepped over the line now, he has claimed her as his and now I know I don't have long. 

            I wrote a quick note telling Jeff that I was going to find Cherry and he needed to watch Raven. Then I got all the stuff I thought I would need and headed out of my carnival. I silently vowed to Cherry that when I found her me, her, and Raven would move into an actual home. Not this carnival but an actual home where Cherry could have a son like we planned. I would do that for her. 

'You'll never find her...she's mine now'

"Who was that?!"

'Just little 'ole me...see you soon Jackie Boy!'

        My eyes widened at that.....Jackie Boy. I knew who had Cherry and this was not going to be easy at all. Damn him! I thought I killed that soulless asshole. Why can't he just leave me alone? Doesn't he get that I beat his ass once and I can sure as hell do it again?! I sighed heavily and started towards the forest...damn you Jake!

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