1.0 Chapter 17: Animaux

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Almost to 300 reads at the moment I've started writing here. 297 guysss! Let's gooooooooooo

Last chapter was freaking long. And I loved writing it!

This chapter normally is gonna be one with mystery. Hahahahahahahaha! Cliff hanger...maybe... idk

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Rue's POV

I texted her for the millionth time.

Me: Zoe, I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking right. Please text back! As soon as possible. Please.

Relationships are a pickle thing. You have to cherish the, because when you yourself demolish them, you miss them the most.

I didn't mean to hurt her, I just couldn't move my everything. But then I was being selfish. I thought of her, how nasty her family could get. And I knew I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I love Zoe with my whole heart!

Zoe: I have got another crush. I have no feelings for you anymore. Stop texting me. Just stop!

I groaned as I slammed my phone against the wall. Why does this keep happening to me?

"Celeste Rue Tamara Alias, I give you the power of right and wrong. They say it's right to look like a human, how would you like to change into anything you'd desire. Mimic them as you want. You can be anything and nothing at all. The end is your imagination. The only thing I ask for back for your powers...is Ladybug's and Chat Noirs miraclouses."
"What are those?" I asked.
"Ladybug's Earrings and Chat Noir's ring."
"Oh, so you want me to steal some jewels. Alright..."

- - -

Three hours before.

Mari's POV

"Noo! Come on, I was gonna win!" Tikki laughs.
"Hey, you out the wrong chess piece. It's okay, I'll help you. Come on. So the Kings can go only these spots at a time. Knights-"
"MARINETEEEEE!" Manon yelled from downstairs.
"Up here, Manon...hide Tikki."
"MARINETEEEEE!!!!" Manon jumped on me right away.
"Hiii, Manon."
"Mom left, she had a big show! Someone baker!" Manon squealed.
"I'm sure that's my grandfather. Come on, let's watch some TV. I can't wait until my grandfather comes on TV with Nadja..."
"Me neither! Even though he seemed a bit grumpy..."
"I'm sure he'll do great! Come in."

We sat down comfy and started the TV.
"GURLLL! You did not start without me!" Alya smiled.
"Nope, it's still ten minutes before. Come on!" I said, smiling at my best friend.
"Aww, I love you too. Come on let's watch...OOOO nice ad. Someday I'm going to make my blog world wide!" Alya commented.
"I know you are, come on it's almost gonna start."

"My name is Nadja Chamack and you're watching-"
"Are you talking to that black thing?" A sudden voice boomed.
Nadja turned around with a forced smile.
"Yes, I am still here, but still talking to the audience watching this meet. Let's bring!"
"Yes, stop wasting time talking to black thing. Let's begin!" Grandfather said.
"Hehehe..." I nervously laughed.
"Your grandpa still doesn't know camera?"
"I tried my best...he was doing okay last week. But he's doing okay for now." I said.
"Well...he doing awesome, Marinette." Alya chuckled.
"Thanks..." I nervously laughed.

I honestly didn't think this would go well. My grandpa isn't very clued in with technology. And sometimes it can be hard to understand too. I tried my best to explain. But sometimes you need help. But now my grandpa is on tv.


Interview was over and Manon had been picked up by Nadja.
"How did my grandpa do?" I asked Nadja before she left.
"It went okay, Marinette. Nothing to worry about. It was just a 30 minute interview about breads. It's okay, you did great in teaching him to to answer the questions. I'll be leaving now. Thanks Marinette for taking care of Manon. MANON! Watch where you're going. Come on!"

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