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Military Debriefing 13:00

"Sir!" a soldier saluted to the sergeant.

This prompted all the other soldiers to also stand in position and salute as their army sergeant as he walked past them.

Once he sat down, everyone else followed and the meeting began.

"As you know, special forces team of scientists have been running tests for a long-standing operation-"

"I don't have all day, get to the point Corporal Shin."

"Yes sir. Uh... Operation Y has failed once again. The tests did not yield any results and therefore the project has been scrapped."

"And who made that decision?"

"Well sir...President Yoon. We were given special orders by head of state that if we can't make a vaccine, then having such a virus would be useless in warfare."

"And why am I barely finding out now goddammit!" the Sergeant yelled and slammed his hands down.

"Sergeant Jeon I-"

"Yeah yeah I got it," the Sergeant said rubbing his forehead. "Listen, do whatever it takes to get rid of this virus. I don't care what you have to do, but I want absolutely no traces of it, got it?"

"Yes sir."

Trigger Warnings:
Violence and suicide.

Dive into the deep world of a zombie apocalypse set in modern day South Korea. Will they survive?

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