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LUCIA FELT THRILLED IN THE BOOTH OF LE PARK MERIDIEN'S BURGER JOINT. There was nothing to worry about as she sat across from Annabeth and Thalia. Nothing to dread as Percy drew circles along her knee under the table. No incoming war. No Kronos. No problems.

The only thing Lucia had to think about as she looked at the posters up on the wall and heard the clinking of cutlery was when her food would come.

"I'm sorry for missing your party Lucia," Thalia said after she finished arguing with Percy about whether fries were meant to be dipped in ketchup or honey mustard. "The Hunters have been real busy. Especially lately

"No worries." Lucia grinned, "How's it been going?"

"Great. A lot of kicking butt. Lately, we've been chasing something down. And Artemis has been acting...weird."

"Weird how?" Annabeth asked

"Sometimes it's just like she's not herself..." Thalia continued, "Like she's someone else."

Percy shrugged, "She's a goddess. They have to change things up to keep their lives interesting."

Lucia rolled her eyes, "I don't think that's how it works Kelphead."

The food came. And Lucia practically foamed at the mouth at her Bacon cheeseburger and curly fries. (Lucia kind of had to convince Thalia that her exposure therapy worked and that hamburgers were not an irrational fear of hers anymore).

Once the plates were set down the group of four dug in.

An hour passed and the group talked as they ate. Thalia told stories about her hunter adventures. And Annabeth dove deep into her architectural builds and plans. She gushed for so long, by the time they finished eating Lucia could practically see the Annabeth built Olympus in her mind.

Of course, there was also the occasional arguing between Thalia and Percy, But at this rate, the two girls were used to it.

All in all their mini get-together was a long awaited success. But it was the very end that shifted Lucia's mood to an uncertainty she didn't like.

As the four made their way out of the restaurant they walked towards the empire state. Annabeth wanted them to take a quick peek at the new arches that were set up. As Well as get Lucia's live reaction to the new amphitheater.

But the closer Lucia got to the 600th floor, the more she felt her insides bubble with panic. And her arms prickle with goosebumps. She gripped tighter onto the green-eyed boy beside her in instinct.

Suddenly she wasn't in the elevator anymore. She was in the middle of a temple. Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian Columns, or more accurately, what was left of them, surrounded her.  constructions made of stone laid at her feet in ruins. What still stood was designed with different marbles of scenes.

Lucia gasped. She breathed in to choke on sulfur. A hissing sound echoed in her ear. Fading out as Percy's hand pulled her into Olympus and brought her back to reality.

"Look! I designed that fountain!" Annabeth chirped with pride. She led them out of the elevators and down a path toward a square of various rebuilt temples, pathways, and arches destroyed by Kronos's attempt at taking over the world.

"Lucy! Lucy!" You've got to see it!" Annabeth excitedly pulled her away from Percy. 

With a tight grip on her upper arm, Annabeth dragged her over to a marble path that led to a beautiful open-air stage or skene and a Theatron, a circular "bowl" row of tiered stone seating. The stone was a pristine white marble and limestone. The amphitheater was grand and true to Ancient Greek architecture. It was clear to everyone there that once again Annabeth knew what she was doing.

"It's gorgeous Beth!" Lucia complimented in amazement

"Really you like it!" Annabeth pepped up, "Does that mean you'll break it in."

Lucia choked in a laugh. "Let me get through the talent show first and I'll get back to you on that."

"Oh Little Star it's hardly fair of you to give those delusional kids any hope of winning." Apollo flickered into the arena. Basically center stage. Percy jumped away, smacking away the sparks that hit him.

Lucia yelped in surprise. "Dad! How long have you been around!"

"Oh don't be dramatic. Hermes sent a memo that you came to visit and I followed you to the theatre. Now let's talk songs, I'm thinking a Rossini."

Lucia's eyebrows furrowed together. "I can hardly do that on my guitar Dad. Anyways I was thinking something more of...I don't know this century.."

"Yes well. I must steal you away to choose a song. Oh, it will be fun! Come! Come!"

"Wha—Wait, Can't we plan—Wait!"

Lucia couldn't finish her point. As her dad was now the one to whisk her by the arm in a flash of white. Before she knew it her boots were sinking into sand. And her eyes blinked to see the sun staring down at her. Apollo stood next to her tending to a yellow flower. Birds chirped as the sea waves hit the shore.

"Where are we."

"Never mind that. I must speak with you of your sister."

"Okay?" Lucia pursed her lips "Which one."

"Aurora. She was not at Jackson's house for the celebration." Apollo noticed

"Oh yes. I think she's staying with her mom. How do you not know? Her mom. You know don't you?"

Apollo inhaled sharply. "Yes, I know of Quinn's illness. I have been visiting her when I can. I have been trying Little Star."

Lucia stayed silent. "So Aurora isn't at camp? Or with her mother? Is that what I'm hearing."

"I think so." Apollo nodded. "I will keep an eye out. If you hear anything about your sister or where she could be. Tell me. I must speak with her."

Lucia nodded, "Of course. I will help you with the search—"

"No, you must not get involved Lucia."


"I only wanted to know if you had any information. If I seek your help I will seek you. For now, focus on your upcoming show and picking out a song."

"What about my sister?!"

Apollo looked away, "That was all. Choose wisely, Lucia."

Before Lucia could argue all she could see was a flash of light. In an instant, she fell into a pair of arms. Lucia gasped as she looked up to see Percy. Thalia and Annabeth stood close by near the elevators to the exit of Olympus. Lucia had a bad feeling take over. It was obvious her father's words were not just about song choices. She felt a shiver as she thought of how her sister was doing, and if she was alright.

"You okay sunlight?"

"Pick your song out?." Thalia snorted

"Um." Lucia furrowed her eyebrows, "No, got a rain check. Let's keep going."

The group agreed. Following in unison into the elevator. Lucia felt her stomach turn as a healing Olympus disappeared behind the closing grey elevator doors. She felt the smell of sulfur invading her nostrils. Hissing invaded her ears. Her hand fell to her head as she stumbled.

Percy supported her. Holding her beside him.


Lucia shook it off. She stood straight. "Sorry. Light travel is a headache. I just need to lie down later."

Percy nodded, accepting her answer. Lucia felt bad for lying. But not even she knew what was happening and there was no use to fret and make a scene now. She had the plan to tell Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth about Aurora to try and get some help and resources in the search. But there was no need to panic. Things were going great. And everything was going to stay great.

Besides, Lucia had Percy beside her. That was a strength in itself. So everything was going to be okay. Everything was going to be fine...


¹𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀. percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now