Yes... I have sadly... Been- T-Tagged?! OMG- TmT

44 3 94

XD I'm very dramatic- (Tagged by this little rascal Solar_flare134)

1.Favorite Horror Movie-

Don't really have one but my Fav Horror-ish show is Stranger Things!

2. Favorite Ship

OK!- This may be a bit hard to choose... HMMMM...Probably TodoDeku (Todoroki x Deku. MHA)

3. Fav character from Musical

I have none-

4. Worst Fear

Ok- Probably losing someone close to me

5. Crush/Boyfried/Girlfriend

You shall not pass!

6. Fav song

Um... Ichirin no Hana- From Bleach (Listen to it NOW!)

7. Fav Author

Don't got one

8. Someone You Hate

Lyric (None of you know who he is but if you see this Lyric... I don't regret throwing that chair at you!)

9. Sexuality

I'm Trans, Poly, and Pan.

10. Fav Color


11. Fav Animal


12. Ever been in love

Yes and regrets? Yes. Heart breaks? Yes.

13. Kiss anyone

Yes BUT LET ME EXPLAIN! This was when I was in 6th grade... I was playing truth or dare and I kissed my friend on the check! So HUSH!

14. Worst mistake

Me- JUST KIDDING, JUST KIDDING! I won't say the worst but one of my big mistakes was not able to control when getting mad.

15. Three of my Fav people

I'ma make this into anime people because it's super cruel question!

15/made up one by me lol. Three Fav Anime people

Tamaki Amajiki, Denki Kaminar, and Shoto Todoroki

16. Last time you cried

Saturday 5/27/2023 So When I made this... It would of been Yesterday.

YOU GOT TAGGED! Answer the same questions as me!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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