Never Before Seen Alternate Ending

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My wife and I are into a lot of movies, most of them go from Disney to Dreamworks to romance, etc, we've been really into watching them either in the theaters or at home. Sometimes we would watch movies at a family relative's house, or even with a friend at their house, but most of the time we watch movies at home. Recently we have been into a lot of movies from the 80s, 90s and early to mid 2000s arranging from family friendly to horror.

My wife really is into zombies when it comes to horror movies, so I started watching movies with zombies whenever she watches them. We have seen movies like Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, etc. Most of the zombie films we've seen are pretty good, although there were some that were not good or just mediocre, but we enjoyed the time we spent watching them together. However, last year we watched Burial Ground, an Italian zombie movie known as The Nights of Terror.

For those of you that wanna know about it, Burial Ground consists of 3 couples with one of them having a son go to a really big villa for a weekend getaway. This is around the time where a professor discovers something, and accidentally unleashes a curse for the undead to rise. The first night there was just cheesy mature scenes that is nsfw, while the 2nd night is just filled with never ending horrors. The film mainly has horror going on most of the time during the day, to which in a sense The Nights of Terror title somewhat doesn't make sense.

Throughout the movie, everyone gets killed by the zombies one by one, and while the movie is good in what me and my wife thinks, we do understand that the movie is awful in some parts that doesn't really add up much. That's it about the movie, I'm now gonna tell you something that you'll never see. What I mean by that is that me and my wife were the only ones to see this, and no one in the general public has ever seen it in their lives.

Why is that? Well that is where my story comes in, my wife and I were on vacation in Italy for at least 2 weeks, she loved the country and always wanted to see Italy in person. So with money we both saved up over the last 5 years of being married, we both decided to travel a bit before having a family of our own. We traveled to Italy in June of last year. As soon as we booked a hotel in Rome, we were invited for a tour at a place called; "Villa Parisi" to which it is located in Frascati in Italy.

During our tour there, we did make a mention to our tour guide that this is where Andrea Bianchi directed his film called; "Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror" took place. He was surprised that we knew about this, and my wife and I explained the plot line of the film to him as well as how we saw it while online. Most of the people are now in their 60s, 70s and/or possibly in their 80s as of now, but some people who worked on the film died as the years went on.

During our tour around the place where the movie is filmed, my wife starts to grow suspicious that people started talking about the ending of Burial Ground. The ending had a good ending, but in the actual movie, things ended with a bang. What I mean by that is the ending was a bad one, let me explain the ending of the movie for those that don't know. After Evelyn gets killed by her zombified son Michael, the last two survivors, Mark (played by Gianluigi Chirizzi) and Janet (played by Karin Well), are assaulted and killed by zombies in the workshop.

That was the ending that ended with a bang, people started saying that Mark and Janet were supposed to live at the end, so why didn't that be the ending? Well that is where my wife and I come in, I began to ask the tour guide questions about what people were asking him, so he had me and my wife step aside from everyone else for a moment. My wife and I were at first confused, but our tour guide gave us a phone number along with the name to call about it.

My wife and I looked at the phone number, and the name of it says; Karin Well, the actress who played Janet in the movie. I discussed it with my wife, saying that we can give her a call at the end of the tour, to which it was a great idea since we were both interested in seeing an ending to the movie that did not exist in the finished film. After the tour, my wife and I dialed up the number and Karin Well picked up. My wife spoke in Italian decently since Italian runs in her blood on her side of the family, she talked to Karin Well about the never before seen ending to Burial Ground that the ending didn't end with a bang.

Burial Ground: Never Before Seen Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now