𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓮𝓷

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Narrator's POV

What she hasn't noticed was that two boys were glaring at her and Sunghoon as he was talking to her.

Riki was glaring at them out of jealousy. Why am I not the one holding her hand?! He asked himself over and over until the phrase didn't make any sense at all. The words scrambled around in his head, bouncing around the sides of his skull, causing him a massive headache. He needed to find a solution as fast as possible.

On the other side of the rooftop, another boy was glaring at the duo. His sharp features seemed to shine in the sunlight, making him seem much more handsome than he already was, if that was even possible.

Arranging the thoughts in his head, Jay was preparing a plan. It had only been a day, but he was already tired of that girl's presence. The more she stuck around, the more rumours were going to spread around the school, and the more girls were going to annoy him and his group. Though his six friends were probably going to hate him for it, he knew he had to do something about the situation. He had to act quickly, time was ticking, and he knew it all too well.


Juyeon walked to her locker after classes, hurrying up to fetch her things to walk home.

Most people had a recurring way to get back home, like taking the bus, walking, getting picked up by parents or eve a private driver. Juyeon, though, didn't have a specific schedule. Her parents were often too busy to come get her, and they weren't rich enough to have a private driver, so she mostly either walked home or took the bus.

Tonight, she felt like walking. It was a Tuesday, and on Tuesdays, the buses were always packed. On Mondays, people walked home, trying to get exercise to start the week, but they always became lazy and decided to take the bus the following day. Because of this, it was hard to fit into the Tuesday night buses.

When she had finally taken her things, she put on her dark green oversized hoodie (her favourite piece of clothing that she wore even if it was 35 degrees outside because she felt insecure without it) and started heading outside. The second she stepped outside, she felt the heat dig deep into her skin like a lion attacking its prey. She felt sweat start to trickle down her forehead, her back and behind her knees. She lived quite far away from school, maybe thirty five or forty minutes by foot, so she felt that it was going to be a painful walk.

The more she walked, the more the heat affected her. The urge to take off her favourite hoodie was getting more and more intrusive, and yet she resisted. The insecurity she felt when she wasn't wearing it was worse than the pain she felt in the intense afternoon heat.

When she had walked for about ten minutes, the heat became too much for her to bear. Not being able to resist anymore, she started to take off her hoodie, but she wasn't able to finish the action. Before she even had time to process what was happening, Juyeon collapsed to the ground, the heat taking over her body.

words: 556

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