Expectations : A teenager's perspective

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EXPECTATIONS: A Teenager's Perspective

Expectations are children of Satan. Forming expectations is like digging a pit for yourself and then happily jumping into it , only to reach out again to pile on the mud on your broken body .

Expectations have the power to solely make or break the situation , although the latter is undoubtedly the majoritarian conclusion..

The human mind functions in a very bizarre way . When it is happy , it slips into a trance of unworldly imagination and fantasies. Thoughts race ahead to imagine a future dictated by our wills and wishes , adhering to the idealistic opinions we have set in our minds . It paints a rosy ,cheerful , happy picture ; but when the pink shades come off , all that's left is the black glum-faced reality and the deep dark beckoning pit we had dug out for ourselves .

From past experience , I've come to recognise one fact of life very clearly . This commandment of life is based on the principle of living in the moment. Not incessantly worrying about the future , not overthinking the past. This idea should not be associated with complete aloofness or over care-freeness. While preplanning and post introspection are very important, yet , the ultimate nirvana lies in the moment . Not in the past, not in the future , but in the present .



Author's note : Hi everybody! This is my first wattpad post, seems a little heavy for a beginner eh?

Anyways, please comment/vote and suggestions are whole-heartedly welcome :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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