Piece of Me

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It's like the other person had your heart in their hand and you had theirs in your hand too. Then they start slowly breaking off pieces of your heart so they can't make room for new parts of other people's hearts and as that person was breaking off those pieces of your heart a part of that person would get lose from you too. Then one day that person finally decides to just crumble your heart in their hand an what little piece you have left of their heart that you're still holding on to you can't let go because it's the only heart you have left and you'll die. You can live without a heart, but neither can they. They may have broken your heart but all they can do is replace that strong heart with other ones that will never fulfill the one you gave them, or their own for that matter. Anyways, you go on living life with tang small piece of that other persons heart and still develop the feeling for them because it's their heart and you'll always carry a piece of them with you. You'll soon start to care less and less about yourself because you have that persons heart that cares nothing about you and you can't care for yourself anymore. It gets to the point where you can't even look into the mirror anymore because when you have that other persons heart it makes your body a complete stranger to yourself, you're not known to your brain because your brain only knows what it was used to. It seems really sad, and cruel, but you can't give that last piece of heart away or crush it into a million pieces like other person did with yours, because it's the only heart you have left. You could be like them, and put another persons heart in its place but the same thing would just happen again and again unless you still had the heart you were born with. Lesson here, don't ever give your heart away. You'll die every damn time.


(Sorry this was more like a little philosophy than it really is a poem at all. I just had to let others read this because it's the best way I could express my feelings right now. Gosh, I don't know what I'm doing and I'm just losing everything.. Lord please let it all come back and make it all okay.)

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