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"What's wrong with her? Why is she breathing like that? Kizaera (Ka- Zara) mom asked as the doctors pull her away from her

"Is my baby ok? What's wrong with her?"

The doctors quickly put down baby Kizaera onto a bed then rushed her out the room

"Sir" the scared mother called out to the doctor now in tears "where are they taking my baby? Is everything alright?"

"Where taking her to ICU, she having technical difficulties with her breathing"


"God please shut up" Kizaera mother yelled out as Kizaera cried only grew louder and louder

"Why won't you just SHUT UP. you've been crying all day. I give you your bottle, you throw it. I give you your binky, you spit it out, I pick you up and you still just won't shut up"

Kizaera mother didn't understand why you couldn't get her to stop crying but it overwhelmed her. It was too much, being that her mother was only 23 and she was a single mom living on her own. She didn't even know who the father of Kizaera was.

Kizaera mom picked Kizaera up and shook her viciously but that only made Kizaera cry harder. Her mother didn't know what else to do. She didn't know how to be a mother. She did the only thing that could get Kizaera from under her skin.

She carried her to a box that was empty, then place Kizaera inside. "I'm sorry, I can't do this.. I change my mind. I can't be a mother.."

She knew that if she kept her she only become more and more overwhelmed and she might get angry causing her to abuse Kizaera, she don't want to have to do that. She loved the fact that she was a mother but she didn't like that Kizaera wasn't like the other baby's... The normal ones.

Kizaera mother placed the box that crying Kizaera was in, inside of her car then drove away.

She drove until she was in a nice neighborhood, she wanted better for Kizaera.

She then park out the car and placed Kizaera onto the front steps of the first doorstep before ringing the door bell then running back to her car.

She hesitated for a minute before she finally pulled off

   {17 years later}

"Kizaera please apologize to this young lady" my foster mom shoved my closer to the the bruised up stud standing in-front of us

"I'm not apologizing to her soft ass, she a whole stud that's weird"

My foster mom shoot me a look "Watch your mouth your mouth Kizaera. Now apologize for what you did or I'll cut your phone bill along with all the wifi off"

I smacked my teeth before rolling my eyes "sorry, dang. y'all acting like I meant to do it damn, can I go now?"

The stud just looked at the ground the whole time. Ian understand why she was getting an apology at her BIG ass age. she was around my age. I'm 17.

My foster mom looked at the girls mom before saying "I apologize for the way she acted. It won't happen again. I promise" she smiled

"It's alright. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay with them ya' know? Since we're neighbors"

"I understand. I assure you this won't ever happen again. Right Kizaera?" She gave me another looking telling me to agree with her

I rolled my eyes "I guess so, yea."

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