every kind of way

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It's approximately thirty minutes to twelve in the afternoon when Minho dismisses his last class of children before he is due for lunch. Today had been particularly fun for his subject– he had let his students participate in whatever sport they had learned throughout the school year so far as a treat for them before they would enter spring break. He loves his students, and it made his heart feel so light when he saw them having fun.

So he admits it was just a little hard trying to peel the kids away from the balls and rackets and hula-hoops they had in their possessions. But they were still enthusiastic to get through the rest of their day so they could make it into their vacation.

Minho is waving at a student who was exiting the gym with a smile on his flushed cheeks, sweaty from all that running he was doing with his classmates. He's giddy to go take lunch on the last day before a break. Minho could admit he feels very much the same, and he places a hand on his stomach as it rumbles. He somehow gets very hungry standing still while monitoring his physical education classes.

Minho lets his composure fall and wipes his long bangs off his face, turning to walk back towards the storage room to lock things up. His hand reaches halfway into his pocket to fetch his lanyard of keys when he almost stumbles over a figure almost half of his height. He looks down with a hand over his heart and smiles endearingly.

"Jia, sweetheart, you scared me," he says through a soft laugh. His student rocks on her feet with a pursed smile on her chubby cheeks. She keeps her arms tucked behind her back as a small pout adorns her features.

"Sorry, Coach Lee," she apologizes with glassy eyes. Minho only waves it off and crouches down onto the ground to her eye level. "Don't worry about it. I'm still alive," he chuckles and watches as the little girl's eyes crinkle into a smile. "What do you need, hon?"

"Uhmmm." she rocks on her feet once more, twirling a strand of thin hair with her small finger, "I... wanted to give you something. A gift!"

Minho gasps softly and folds his palms over his chest. "A gift? For me? Who am I to deserve such a thing from our Jia?"

The little girl giggles. "The best teacher ever!"

"Do you really like moving around that much?" Minho tilts his head and smiles softly, "Even when I make you all run around the gym everyday?"

"I do! Because you let me run with Mina and everyone else," she replies with a little nose scrunch. Minho wants to squish her cheeks because she's adorable. "Oh yeah?"

"Mhmmm," she hums in response, "Coach Bang never lets us do that. He has us run in pods 'cause he thinks we won't complete our laps!!" Little arms come to fold over her chest with a pout as Minho laughs softly.

"Really now? You like me more than Coach Bang?"

"Yes!" Jia exclaims happily. But then, she whispers, "but don't tell him that. Don't wanna hurt his feelings."

Minho coos. "I got you, sweetheart," the man holds out his hand and extends a pinky. "It can be our little secret."

The young girl smiles cheekily and interlocks her pinky with the coach's. Minho brings down her hand with a little tap. "What's the gift you have for me, kiddo?"

A pink blush paints her round cheeks as her gaze falters subtly. "It's... it's not really anything. I just wanted to give it to you."

"I'll take anything you have for me," Minho reassures with a sweet tone. "I'm sure it will be a real gem."

It just gives the little girl all the confidence she needs to bring her other arm out and extend a piece of paper towards Minho. He tilts his head and upon further inspection, he realizes it's a drawing.

EVERY KIND OF WAYWhere stories live. Discover now