9| 𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗅 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗅

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"Fuck..." I mutter as I wake up to my alarm blasting, "hey Walter tell Desera and Kassian we're gonna stay home, the original mission will be our main work for today," I ask the electronic assistant as I sigh, going back to sleep.

A few more hours passed and I finally woke up with enough sleep. Quickly changing I head downstairs to see everyone eating.

"Hey Kas, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask him as he nods, getting up to follow me as everyone just continues talking and eating.

"What up?" He asks as he shuts the door behind him. "I'm gonna start getting involved with Siyuns shit, I have a feeling it won't be long till he wakes up. If you can at any point see if you can find any more information we didn't have before," I ask and he's quick to nod, without another word I walk out and head into my office.

"Here it is, his file.." I mutter as I start going online to find simple information.

"Wow, he has a big fan base...I'm so proud of him for getting so far holy shit.." I mutter in shock as I view his Instagram. I started doing Google searches and I found some articles about him.

"He was the most popular one when their documentary aired? As he should, my Siyun is very handsome," I giggle as I keep reading.

"Wait..he was eliminated from the show and the group??!!" I exclaim my anger and confusion combined, "was this because of that fucking bitch in his group who copied him?!" I mutter in anger to myself.

"Hold on...a car accident, the report said it had something to do with that bitch of an idol?" I exclaim as I keep reading, what really happens?

As I kept reading a knock was heard at my door, "come in!" I responded to into the article to see who it was.

"Hey, Akira I got some more information, not a lot but I thought you may want to hear this.." he says, my heart starts to race as he appears to be nervous, why?

I turn my attention to him signaling him to go on, "well from what I found, he's not just unconscious in a simple state of coma...he revived an intense emotional shock and is essentially in a vegetative state.." he explains, making my eyes widen.

"What caused the intense emotional shock?" I ask, my voice shaking as I was trying not to cry. "....the nurses think it has something to do with what happened around the time he turned 18, it wasn't long after the accident...and he heard news, apparently a girl named Akira had died and it was on the news that was being played in his room.." he explained quietly.

"What?! But I'm alive!! How could I have died...unless..." I mutter realizing, "it wasn't me who died but another person named Akira, dammit why did he have to have that luck or at least say the last name first for fucks sake!" I yelled annoyed at how such a simple misunderstanding caused him so much pain, I was upset, I felt to blame, I felt like I caused his pain, but I swear, I'll make it up to him.

"Kassian find out which hospital he's in, immediately!" I yell as I start looking too.

I need to be there for him, maybe just maybe I could help him, I need him to know I won't leave this time.

"FOUND IT!" I yelled, jumping out of my seat about to run out, but I was stopped by the alarms going off.

"Everyone report to the meeting room! We found him!" The speaker announced as I groaned, I'm sorry Siyun but I need to get him first.

I run down stairs grabbing my bag as I rush to the meeting room. "Good everyone's here, I don't have time to explain here so get in the car and move out. I'll explain on the move!" Zaro announces as we all nod.

Quickly driving off we head in what I assume is the killer's location.

"Ok listen up everyone, he was spotted in an abandoned building, the likelihood of this being a trap is high but we all agreed and are willing to take that risk if it means to catch him, so be prepared" Zaro explains as we all zoom down the roads, quickly arriving at the building.

"Get ready," I whisper yell as we slowly move in, I grab my gun, having it ready when needed.

As I walk in the door is quick to slam behind me, "IT'S A TRAP EVERYONE BE READY!" I yell looking around everywhere as I was the only one in the building was the others were locked out.

I slowly moved in to find a man seated at a table, it was suspicious but it was only him and he was unarmed.

"Welcome Hyun Akira, it's been a while hasn't it?" The man asks, "cut to the chase, I know you're not the man I'm looking for," I sigh. "Smart as ever aren't we, but not smart enough," and right as he says that someone jumps out from a cabinet and stabs my stomach.

"Shit" I mutter in pain as the masked guy backs away and stands behind the man I was just talking to.

"Don't worry Akira, he has a plan, so I can't kill you just yet, but be ready cause the unexpected should always be the expected," he says as he grins walking out.

And right on time, the other broke down the door rushing over to me.

"Fuck, they went out the back, quick!" I yell as Zaro and Kassian follow after them, leaving me with Aunt Rytara and Desera. "Haven't been stabbed in a while...did it always hurt this bad?" I groan in pain as I bleed out.

"That's because he used a spiked knife, shit lets go! She's bleeding too much, the other will follow after," Aunt Rytara exclaims as she carries me to the car and is quick to speed off.

"I called doctor Lazero, he's ready for us whenever!" Desera exclaims feeling panicked as she keeps pressure on my wound which still held the knife in it.

"Whatever you do, don't pull that knife out, got it!?" Aunt Ryatara yells as the car finally stops, "hey just a thought but CAN WE STOP YELLING?!" I yell and getting annoyed.

Rushing into the hospital Doctor Lazero is there waiting, "good you're here, hurry follow me!" He says as he leads us to a room, closing the door behind him.

"What the hell happened?!" He asks as he looks at my wound, "we got caught in a trap and they got petty with us and used a spiked knife, we can't take it out without more damage to the inside being caused," my aunt explains.

"Ok it's fine, everyone out!" he exclaims in a rush, at first they hesitate but I just give them a weak smile before they walk out.

"Lazero, do what you must," I say and he nods, getting what I mean.

And after 3 hours I was safely stitched up, "now you're gonna be a bit exhausted so just rest, it'll make sure the stitches stay closed," Doctor Lazero explains before walking out.

But of course I had other plans, I saw the name of the hospital and it was the same one Baek Siyun resided in.

Sneaking out I head to reception, "hello do you know what room Baek Siyun is in?" I ask nervously.

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry, but he checked out 3 hours ago," she tells me, sounding apologetic. "Ok thank you.." I mutter before waking back to my room, "DAMMIT!" I yell as I throw the table across the floor, falling into my bed.

"I'm sorry Siyun, I guess I wasn't the one who could help you," I mutter as tears fall from my face, and soon sleep takes over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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