part 1

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Miles and Julian sat in the younger's office(idk if he has one but if not use your imagination, it's got a desk and chair and a couch in the back). they were both on their evening break after a hard day's work, so the alcohol was busted out. drunken jokes were made and then laughed at, but then there was silence.

for what felt like an eternity their eyes met. slowly Julian reached out his hand and rested it on the pinkish pale cheek. After a minute of contemplation, Miles pushed their lips together. Both sets of hands rested on the back of the other's head and neck. mile's hands slowly made their way to lift the smaller hips to straddle his own.

"Wait," Miles said, pulling away panting. "kaiko will kill the both of us if she knows"

"only if she knows." Julian took the pause to leave little red marks on his neck that would be hidden tomorrow. miles tilted his head back and let out small moans. Before the men knew it, mile's shirt was gone and there was a line of kisses leading to his pants.

"my i?" he asked. Miles could feel every wound coming from Julian's breath on his dick.

"oh god yes"

one little kiss on the hard dick later, and O'Brian was completely undressed. The older man felt the cold air and then the heat from Bashir's mouth . He started by getting used to the tip then licked the underside.

"mhh~" he moaned "quite teasing me"

"not a single chance. unlike your wife, i'm going to make you remember tonight" the slow coresses of his tongue continued. He was determined to keep his word.

"can we not talk about my wi~ (i debated keeping this part in but idk its not apsolute trash) o mo fuck. tha thu, cha diochulhnich mi seo '' Miles said, switching to gaelic part way through his sentence. It also happens that Julian started deep throating him part way through his sentence. Then he started to hum.

The curly haired man put his hands on bashired hair out of habit but didn't use them to move his head.

miles hips had a mind of their own and he was haveing a hard time controling them. he would never tell anyone but the man really had a thing for fucking faced. his wife knew but that was all. julian pulled off after noticing this "i know you want to do it, so just fuck my face already"

"are you sure" he asked concred about the smaller man's throat

"yes' ' slowly the hands on his head tightened in his hair and then his mouth was full of cock. his head was pulled back up again and then hips thrusts into his face again and the hands pushed down.

Miles was saying something, but Julian had no clue what the non english ment.

"I'm gonna~~ahhhhhh" Miles moaned, shoving himself down the other man's throught and cuming with loud moans. He leaned back and relaxed. all he could say was "wow"

"yeah wow" the other smiled. He did it. he just sucked off the man he had been dreaming off every night. the man who fucked him till he forgot his name and woke up.

(more? only if someone actually wants more of this. I would like to but I have a lot of stories to work on and some that are a lot of fun rn. just comment if you would actually care for more)

two men, one officeWhere stories live. Discover now