Sunday, May 30, 1356 was 667 years and 243 616.547 days from today
Three men fought dangerous monsters on planet
SKY-801 aka Satleen cousin of Saturn.And those three men were Jack Lilic and Sir
Woard. But what are these monsters they fought?Elemental forces each element has their own planet and monsters the reason they fought is because they want to take over the universes and control each other.
Victims of the war took some pictures of these monsters here are some of them.
Those were the Tura monsters aka Nature. Their planet is call Viridis-333. And they only did the damage to the forests because they only wanted to be known and they sure are.
These are the Creatures of Ignis also known as Fire monsters. You may have known this due to their popularity but their planet is called Fervens-808 Sure they are scary but they only did the hit and run move. They burned everything and left. They didn't personally face to face fight anyone. But still did make harsh damage.
These are the fighters of Aqua Marines and they don't play. Their planet is called Mare-1551 speaking of planets you may have asked.. how did they get in the waters of Satleen well good question. They didn't! The three men we talked about before they ended the war on their own planet and destroyed the Aqua Marines planet.
Why? Well the Aqua Marines promised water to Satleen but back stabbed and destroyed their sea so The men wanted revenge.Lastly and Definitely Absolutely not least the smooth Elegans they are the most powerful forces because they hold electricity. They destroy anything they touch. So watch out especially planet industria-7758 that's their planet. You go there and all you see is death nothing is bright except their energy. They are the deadliest enemy.