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A/n: sloowly, very ssloooowly

Idek what that's about














Unfortunately, the weekend had gone by incredibly fast, and it was now Monday, which meant they had school of course. And what's a Monday without starting off with PE first.

"Get off the ground Hyo..." Isagi sighed as Hyo was completely dead flat on the ground not wanting to do PE.

"Kill me please, I don't wanna do this." Hyo whined hating the fact it was Monday.

Isagi stared at him for a moment before sighing and grabbing his arm and started dragging him down the school hallways heading for the gymnasium.

"You're light." Isagi said.

"I am?" Hyo asked, still being dragged across the floor.

"Yep." Isagi nodded, ignoring people's glances.

Finally, Isagi had made it to the gymnasium and completely threw Hyo across the gym floor, Hyo went sliding past Kurona, scaring him.

"Ah! Sorry Kurona didn't mean to scare ya." Hyo laughed, still laying on the floor.

Kurona nodded as he regained composure and held his hand out to help Hyo up, Hyo thanked him as he stood up brushing himself off as Isagi walked over to the 2.

"You didn't have to do that you know." Hyo complained.

"You were the one that didn't wanna walk." Isagi responded with a shrug.

"That's...a good point." Hyo nodded.

"Isagi!" Bachira exclaimed as he jumped onto Isagi.

Thankfully, before Isagi could collapse to the ground, Chigiri had caught him.

"You okay?" Chigiri chuckled a little bit.

"Ah, yeah thanks, hi Bachira." Isagi said.

"Have you ever talked to these 2?" Hyo asked looking at Kurona.

Kurona shook his head, only ever talking to Hyo and Isagi really, even though Rin was in their group for the Drama assessment, they didn't really express words with each other.

"I see." Hyo smiled as he nodded.

"Hyo...I have a question." Kurona said which definitely caught Hyo's attention.

"Oh? What is it?" Hyo said and looked at Kurona.

"Um..do you know if anyone likes Isagi?" Kurona asked, hoping he worded his words right.

And thankfully the reason why Kurona was asking Hyo like this was because currently Isagi was stuck in the middle of Bachira and Chigiri, who knows what they were even doing.

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