04 | You Are My Constant.

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Song - Umutsuz Ask (Yali Capkini)


04 | You Are My Constant.

"ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma... mamma!" The toddler blabbered continuously while clapping his hands.

"Bolo, mamma is here." Saying so, she put a morsel of chapati with dal  in his mouth.

"You don't like peas?" She saw him separating the peas from the matar tofu gravy with the spoon from her peripheral vision.

"No." He smiled sheepishly.

"Give me your plate," she said.

"Huh?" Confusion spread across his face in a second.

"Give me your plate, Mr. Dogra."

"Alright." He forwarded his plate towards her.

She gently lifted Anirudh from her lap and made him sit on the table, just next to her plate, which was still untouched.

He saw her separating all the tofu pieces from her matar tofu bowl and transferring them to his bowl, then she transferred all the peas he had separated earlier into her own bowl. Now, her bowl contained only peas and gravy, while his bowl had tofu and gravy.

She then forwarded it back to him, a weird combination of confusion and amusement visible on his facial features.

"You don't like peas; I don't like tofu, so this seemed more reasonable." She shrugged her shoulders.

"You dislike tofu? then, why did you even cook it?" He counter-questioned.

"The way you stared at the tofu packet in the fridge as if it were your long-lost sibling forced me to cook it for dinner. Moreover, Amma described your love for chicken, mutton, prawns, and tofu quite vividly the other evening when we had met for dinner."

He chuckled, nodding his head.

A second later, an unconvinced expression marred his face again.

"But you can't just have peas and gravy, na?"

"Dogra Sahib, I absolutely love peas. Plus, the daal, pulao, and chapatis are more than enough for me."

"Pakka?" He was still doubtful.

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