shaking hands, broken dreams

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His hands were shaking, maybe it was fear, or the bottle of high dose pain killers he downed. Either way, he was here, on this roof, awaiting his inevitable death.

Izuku Midoriya, the name of a boy forced to grow up to quickly, learning just how unfair this world could be. Especially for people like him.

The quirkless, the people most useless to society. The people who will almost always die before the age of 18. Izuku just happened to try and speed up that process by around 5 years.

He would never be able to live a normal life, never a normal day, all because he wasn't born without some dumb quirk. It was stupid, really. He'd hoped to be a hero, he had hoped for that for so fucking long. But he was tired. Tired of life, tired of living. So here he was. Waiting. Waiting to die.

No one would miss him, and he knew that. Of course, he knew that. Not even his mom would miss him. He always just bothered her anyway. She would be happier if he was gone. It's not like he could be a hero. Even All-might. The person who he had spent his entire life looking up to didn't believe in him. He had said it himself.

"It's too dangerous. You'd just be a liability in the field if you want to help people become a doctor or a cop. It's safer that way." That's what the #1 had said to him, just hours before he had taken an entire bottle of pills.

Izuku Midoriya was the definition of useless.

Aizawa Shota's patrol had just finished. He was hoping to just get to his apartment and see his overly loud husband earlier than normal. It had been a long night, and he just wanted to sleep.

He was hopping across roofs, like he did every single night. It seemed normal at first. Everything was going as expected, that was until he saw the form on a man, no. A child. Laying on their back, looking up at the stars.

He got closer to the boy, but the kid didn't seem to notice the Pro-hero standing only 5 meters away from him.

It took Aizawa a second to realize that there was something wrong with the kid. His hands were trembling. Badly.

"Are you alright?" Aizawa speaks after assessing the situation a bit.

No answer.

"Kid?" Aizawa stepped closer to the boy. Concern building in his chest.

"Oh- hii~" The green haired kid finally spoke. His voice slurred as he spoke. That only worried the Pro more.

Only then did Aizawa notice the crumpled up piece of paper clutched in the kids' palm. Shit. He knew what was happening here now. He's an underground hero. He should have been able to notice what was going on much before this moment.

This boy was actively trying to commit suicide.

Izuku didn't feel real. It was kind of a floating feeling. He didn't like it. He had barely noticed the person who was now speaking to him. As much as Izuku had tried to pay attention to his words, he was more focused on the spinning world around him. The stars and moon seemed to leave trails of light behind them as they spun around and around again.

"-id, kid, stay wit- me wh-t did -u tak-?" The man was spinning too. Izuku let out a small giggle at that. He didn't know why he was laughing, but that giggle turned into almost manic sobs in only a few seconds.

The man put a warm hand on his shoulder and shook him a bit. Which didn't help the spinning, which was now accompanied by a bone-chilling nausea.

"Th- am-bulan- wi-l be her- soo-. -ou just ne-ed to st-ay aw-ak-." The mans words felt like they were cutting out of reality. Izuku didn't think that was a thing that could happen, but it was actively happening, so it has to be a thing.

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