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A/n: okay well, I've finally made my mind up about what I'ma do w Hyo ☠️.

He's going to have and I quote, someone said this 'an oc scrumptious girlfriend' so that's what he's going to have cause I found it hilarious for some reason 😭

(Or I could be lying and might change my mind later, who knows, cause I sure as hell don't ☠️)









PE had finally ended and Hyo actually ended up being the winner of vault jumping, probably thanks to his height and thanks to Isagi getting him into sport.

"My...legs are dead...Isagi carry me." Hyo whined and leaned against Isagi who was tying his shoelaces.

"You want me to drag you all the way to maths?" Isagi looked at him.

"Sure." Hyo accepted, very clearly not wanting to walk.

Isagi sighed and literally yanked the collar of Hyo's shirt and started dragging him out of the gymnasium.

"Um..you good?" Chigiri asked who was now walking beside Isagi and Hyo.

"Yup, I'm too lazy to walk." Hyo said with a thumbsup.

"He's pretty light so I don't mind." Isagi shrugged.

"He is?" Chigiri tilted his head.

"Yep." Isagi nodded.

"Somehow anyways." Hyo shrugged.

They made it all the way to maths, and Hyo and Isagi sat at the back of the class.

"How do you divide again?" Hyo asked.

Isagi stared at Hyo blankly.

"You being for real right now?" Isagi said.

"Maybe." Hyo shrugged.

They say in silence for a while before Hyo nudged Isagi, confusing him. Isagi stared up from his paper and tilted his head.

"You know Kuronas interested in ya, right?" Hyo whispered.

"Eh?" Isagi asked making Hyo deadpan him.

"Or..just be completely oblivious." Hyo sighed and leaned on his chair.

"He is..?" Isagi said wanting to double check.

"You can be really smart, yet really dumb." Hyo nodded.

"But yes, he is." Hyo said.

"Ohh.." Isagi hummed.

"Soo...whatcha gonna do?" Hyo asked and looked at him.

"What am I supposed to do?" Isagi asked.

"I don't know, you're the one who pulls people." Hyo shrugged.

"I've never had someone actually try and get with me though." Isagi reminded him.

"Ooh! You're right, it was just a bunch of love letters." Hyo nodded.

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