Start of a new world

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                           Strange pleasure
                                    Ch - 1


Down on my knees, my eyes widened, water dripping down my hair, my teeth gritting with hatred in my heart, tears trickling down my eyes and the shadow of 5 people standing upon me. 

"Hey, look guys, who it is! The murderer!" This brat just won't stop talking about me. 

"Oh, hello, murderer, don't try to ignore us now, go bring us some drinks." 

Ah shit, this guy, I really want to punch him in his face. The thoughts running in my head just say that while I'm gripping my fist. 

"Why the hell are you guys so obsessed with me?! " I finally said it. 

But what now? 

Am I-

"Haa?! Obsessed with you? YOU?! You dirt face, I would spit on your face, you're talking about obsession? You know this is why it's fun bullying you, you little shit."

 My hair.. It's all wet from the water she's pouring. 

"Go look at yourself in the mirror, you dipshit"

'Blurrgh' *huff *huff* I look down, on my knees . That punch was fatal… 

*present time*


Why am I always looking down? WHY CAN'T I SPEAK AGAINST THEM? What did I do to deserve this? Am I not enough? 

I can still hear them laughing.. 

"HAA-HA-HA" They laugh all together, I loathe them. They disgust me. 

"Aww, is the poor baby gonna cry?" Voice of a girl. I raise my head to look at her straight in the eye, glaring at her. 

"Huh?! What is that look? You dare to gaze upon me? You little brat" Her annoying voice again, holding my hair tightly saying "you filthy brat, stop looking at me that way or I can make those wounds more worse" I lower my head again. 


"Don't u dare refuse us again, go bring us some drinks" A guy said. Why do they keep ordering me around, am I their slave, just get it yourself DAMMIT!.

I stand on my feet, one badly injured with a bruise on my arm and an injury on my eye. I can barely walk, can't they see? 

And at that moment a thought came to my mind… 

Should I… kill them? 

No, no, no, I can't do that, there is probably a way to deal with this right? 

Right? ..

I should leave them, I should… runaway. I seriously want to kill them, I don't care if it's murder, I DON'T CARE IF IT'S AGAINST THE LAW! I.. I just can't take this anymore. 

My legs are starting to walk on their own towards the exit taking long steps while sprinting.

I ran home. 

My eyes were red from anger and the tears I sacrificed. As soon as I hopped on the bed I fainted forgetting everything that happened today. 

I woke up, getting ready for school thinking everything would go normal. Just then I saw a knife at the kitchen counter. My thoughts were becoming nefarious. I grabbed the knife without any more thought, arrived at school and.. When I was about to kill that guy,

I woke up. 

*huff* *huff* 

How could I even think of doing that!? Take control of yourself. You can't do that. I'm so glad it was all a dream. 

I put my feet on the cold floor as I shiver at the thought of murder. Once again, I thought this would be a normal day and the same cycle would go on except they'll probably beat me more since I didn't bring them the drinks. And just like the dream, I saw a knife at the kitchen counter. 

"That punk didn't show up yesterday, I definitely gotta teach him a lesson. He just won't learn. " (This is the guy talking about our main character ) 

(Mc's pov) 

As I walk through the gate of school I feel the shivers down my spine with my head as always facing downwards. 

"Oi! Kazuto" 

With fear, I look among the people to find the person calling out my name. 


I look over to my left just to see that guy. Again. 

Ugh, why now? Can't you just let me live in peace. And obviously I have to go there myself instead of him coming over here. What am I? A dog? 

I walk over to him just to get a punch in the face.. 

"Bluuurgh" I moan as blood comes out of my mouth. 

"You bastard, where did you go yesterday?!" 

".. " I wish I could just spit in your face. 

"Hah? You don't wanna speak? You know what, I feel bad for you to be this miserable and worthless. I'll let you go off this once. Next time, you won't be spared." He said that while walking off. 

Who the HELL are YOU to call me worthless. Haven't I done enough? 

You will let me go, but will I? 

I sprint towards him, grab the knife from my pocket and I, I,.. I stabbed him. 

"AGHH" he did scream, but it won't be heard. 

I let go of the knife feeling my lips curl into a smirk across my face.

"Next time? As if there will be a next time." I could feel the contentment inside me. I killed him and I  enjoyed it, I enjoyed it to the last bit. There was blood on my hands. I couldn't help but look like a psychopathic maniac. The large pool of blood grew larger second by second as the smirk on my face grew. 

Should I kill the other four of them, too?  


The thought of that.. 

The thought of that excites me. 

"You psycho!.. " Stuttering to every last bit.

It feels so good to hear him stutter to death.

I grab the knife from the ground, and without thinking I kept stabbing him

'Shunk! '



"Gah, ugh,.. Blergh… " He cried for mercy. 

But I,.. I was not going to stop until there was no more noise coming from his goddamn mouth. 

".. "

Haa, such peaceful weather. 

For the whole day I hid behind the school until there was no one left, when finally everyone left, I came out. The body was still lying there untouched. 

And of course.. I came prepared, I bought a paint bucket with me to utilize to cover the body so there's no sign of anyone being here..

I pour the paint on his body and lead myself to my apartment.

— sorry this chapter is a bit short I'll work on it! Please leave your suggestions in the comments and review the story please! —

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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