Chapter One:

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You have woken up early to do your duties, which is taking good care of Scaramouche. You were newly hired and of course unfamiliar with this type of job, especially treating someone from the royal family. An important prince, the next heir of the throne. It was incredibly unfamiliar for you, afraid of making mistakes and doing anything horridly wrong towards the prince or much worse. "My lord, your desired breakfast has arrived. May I enter?" You politely and formally asked, wondering if the words that you chose were accurate. Silently biting your lip behind the doors, anxiously waiting for his response. "Come in." His tone was intimidating, a shiver was sent to your spine, you swallow the saliva that was pooling inside your mouth. Gently twist the door knob and push the door for it to open, the tray in your hand was placed on his lap.

You bow to him before walking away, but he stops you from leaving. "Hey, before you leave." You slowly yet awkwardly turn around to look at him, adverting your gaze somewhere else to distract yourself from the stiff atmosphere. "Yes, my lord?"  You respond, biting inside of your cheek out nervously. 'Am I in trouble already?' was the only thing repeated inside your mind, breathing in heavily and rapidly as cold sweat dripped down on your skin. "What's your name?" He inquired with a sly smirk, he seems interested in you based on his expression or was he just.. good looking?

'You couldn't possibly be falling in love with a person by judging their appearance. Worse case scenario, he is a prince. You have no chance of being together with him.' You're probably delusional as you're talking to yourself right now, the prince waiting for your response but you're still being delulu. He coughs to catch your attention, you immediately snap into reality and nervously giggle. He repeats his question, and you finally listen. "My name is Y/N L/N. At your service, my lord." You bowed in respect and courtesy, he chuckled.

You were now dismissed, and he was satisfied with your response.


You're at your very own room in the palace, you can feel yourself sinking through the soft mattress, the silky sheets caresses your skin. It was so comfortable that somehow it was hard to sleep, you keep on shifting to different positions to help you doze off but none of it helps. Of course, in this situation you were annoyed and frustrated, you decided to stroll along the hallway of the palace. The coat was hanging on your own personal coat rack, wearing it as it was dragged on the floor. The door from your room creeks open  and you start to look around if anyone is still awake, it was difficult to see through the dark from how little the light was able to get in. The candle was lit by you as you ignited the match, blowing the fire from the match that was just inches from your finger. The smoke makes a trail above before completely disappearing in thin air, you grab the candle by the little plate and explore the palace by yourself.

You admire and adore the scenery that surrounds you, the intriguing design that was scattered throughout the wall. You hum whilst walking, passing by through countless rooms that were all similar to each other which made it so hard to tell apart. The door from one of the rooms opens, you jolt in surprise and start to hide behind the nearest pillars. A familiar figure was revealed when he exited the room, their shadow was showing someone tall and intimidating. Your head peeks out for a better look, the mysterious figure starts to walk but his pace was quick and their cape was getting dragged on the floor, you struggle in catching up with them which made you use all of your stamina just to be inches behind. They then stop in the middle of the hall making you perplexed on his move. They turn around, staring right through you, the cold sweat drops on the side of your head fell to the ground. You could feel your heart racing from the adrenaline coursing through you.  "I know you're there." They said, their voice seems familiar but you couldn't point out who it was. You stood there speechless and frozen, you wonder what you should do as you could be beheaded. You swore that you could feel yourself light headed in the moment, you've been caught so you decided to think of an excuse. "Show yourself. I already saw you, no need to hide more." Their tone was serious, so you decided to reveal yourself. You couldn't see clearly from the dark so the faces of both of you were hidden, you tried squinting your eyes to have more evidence of their face.

"Who are you?" They questioned, both of you standing there in the dark awkwardly, trying to guess each other's identity. "Somebody you don't know" Your thoughts were loud, you yelp as realization hits you and you covered your mouth quickly. "Would you like to repeat that?" They crossed their arm and stood straight, trying to assert dominance for you to feel intimidated.

"N-no..?" You're uncertain with your words, backing away slowly so that you could escape. Although, the hardest part is keeping your identity hidden. "Where do you think you're going?" They start to approach you in the same place as you, the light is right behind you and if you get any closer the light will reveal you. They started running after you which made internally scream in fear. It was already late at night and disturbing others will cause more trouble. You whimper in fear as you try to run away but they are catching up immediately, 'ARE they even human? They are running so fast like an animal, what..?? My lungs are burning and so is my leg, I can't keep on running even further.' You didn't wanna stop but the pain on your fragile legs is making you go slower, no matter how much you're trying to resist it. They finally caught up to you and grabbed your wrist, you turned to look at them. "Now, who are you–! Y-you again? You like making trouble now, don't you?" The light finally reveals both of you, he pulls you closer and his grip tightens around your wrist. "M-my lord!" You awkwardly chuckle and shrugged, you could hear him sighing in relief. "I genuinely thought that you were an intruder. Don't sneak up like that! I would die from a heart attack because of you." His hand was on his chest, patting it to calm down. "Y-you're not gonna punish me, my lord?" You curiously questioned, staring at him with glossy and concerned eyes, your hands were shaking and sweating. "No, not yet." He smirks before letting you go, your wrist had a little mark but wasn't enough to last a day.

"Now, why were you following me? Stalker much?" He chuckled at his own joke but stopped when he saw your face, before bursting a huge laugh. "You're slow, huh? You still haven't moved on with the situation earlier?" He tilted his head, and you couldn't believe that he was so casual about it. Does he really expect you to laugh at his jokes after a traumatizing event, you stare at him weirdly but it doesn't affect him. "Come on, you can speak. Did the cat catch your tongue?" You turn your hand into a fist, annoyed by his words but you couldn't punch him in the face as he is the one taking the heir. "No. I will go back to my chamber. Sorry for disturbing you, my lord." You bow your head and turn around so your back is facing him, but realization hits you that you forgot your way back. You turn to see him still staring at you, you try to build up courage to ask, "I forgot where it is." You bite your lip as you did not want to ask him this, though is there a different choice? He smiles at you but it was incredibly annoying looking. "Why are you smiling like that?" You groaned, desperately wanting to run away from embarrassment but getting lost is way worse. "Why do you need my help?" He inquired, tilting his head once again to provoke you. "I asked first, therefore you're the one who should be answering my question."  He nods at your words, staring at the floor and right back at you. "Well, it's better if you shut that mouth of yours as I assist you to your chamber." He passed by you, going towards your chamber. You quietly follow behind him, he adjusts his pace to something you're suitable with.


"Ah, this is my chamber. Thank you for accompanying me, my lord." You bow in respect and close the door for privacy, he silently leaves. You're able to sleep peacefully although you didn't have much rest, you are needed in the early morning. The sun rises and you were blinded by the light, it shines brightly which woke you up from your peaceful slumber. A drool was visible on the corner of your mouth but some parts were dry, as a royal servant, you're not allowed to be lazy. You stood up from your bed and walked towards your personal bathroom to freshen up.

The sink was filled with water just until the brim for you to get a handful and splash it to your face, the soap was getting washed off and water droplets fell off from your face, drying your face with a soft towel for your sensetive skin.


You're standing in front of Scaramouche's door, all the incident from last night was repeating multiple times. You hesitate in opening the door to wake him up and assist him in starting his day, taking a deep breath before turning the door knob. The curtains were separated by you, the light blinded his lights as he shuffles in his bed, uncomfortably.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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