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With the help of her past life experiences, Hamin shot every single spheres easily.

However, she was alone and there're too many spheres that were coming at her, causing one of the spheres got passed her shots and shoot out it's tentacle towards her face. Hamin immediately dodged it but the tentacle managed to graze her right under her left eye, causing the wound to bleed. Hamin hissed in pain when she felt the stinging pain under her eye.

Hamin then pointed her gun right at the sphere that hurt her and was about to pull the trigger when the sphere already exploded after a gunshot rang, but it's not hers. She immediately looked behind her and saw Corporal Park. She then ran towards Corporal Park who was shooting the other spheres that seemed to have came because of Hamin's gunshots but as she was about to reach him, a sphere jumped on his neck and decapitated his head, killing him right away as his read rolled down on the ground.


Hamin immediately shoot the spheres that was on Corporal Park's lifeless body and went to take his ammunition and put in in her vest(?). She was about to run when another gunshots rang.

"Private Chae Hamin!"

"Platoon Sergeant Seo!"

"Where are the others?"

"I told them to run away first but I'm not sure if they went together or scattered because of the panic."

Seo Jayoon sighed.

"Let's go find them."

Hamin nodded her head, "Let's go separately. It's faster that way."

Seo Jayoon looked at Hamin in disbelief.

"What nonsense are you spouting!"

"I'm gonna be alright. Please go find them."

Hamin smiled at Seo Jayoon before started running before Seo Jayoon can say anything.

Hamin is currently not sure where to go. In her past life, she ran with Ilha so now she's running towards the building but before she could go inside, she saw three spheres were shaking the locked door. It looked like someone already locked it with a tied cloth and a broom.

Hamin immediately loaded her gun and shot all three spheres. The gunshots attracted the spheres near the area causing Hamin to curse. She then started shooting the spheres.

After awhile, she managed to shot all of them but the wounds on her body keep increasing but fortunately all the wounds were only light wounds so it's not dangerous to her. Since her current body is not fully train for this yet, she's having a hard time.

Her legs started to feel heavy because of the fatigue. She punched her thigh hard while clenching her jaws.

"Don't give up on me now. We need to find Platoon Leader Lee and the others."

She continued to walk while looking around carefully. She then took off the ammunition from her gun to see how many shots left. She sighed when there's only around 2 shots left.

She looked around to see if there're any guns on the ground and saw 4 guns. She immediately collected all 4 ammunitions and save them.

"Where should I go now..."

Hamin stood up from crouching and sighed.

"It's been awhile so maybe they already found Taeman and Heerak."

Hamin then decided where to go and continue her run.

After Platoon Leader Lee and Kim Wonbin found the kids and Ms. Park, they decided to go back to the place where they left Hamin.

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