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A/n: andd i am sick..again ☠️.

So this may or may not be a short chapter.










"I knew I was right." Hyo sighed.

"Right about?" Reo asked and turned to look at Hyo.

Hyo shook his head with a small laugh.

"Nothing to worry about." Hyo said and patted Reo's head, Reo nodded in response.

"Um...so what class do yous have next?" Isagi asked as he looked at Nagi.

"English." Nagi responded.

"How about yous?" Nagi asked.

"What do we have?" Hyo joined in.

"I...don't know." Isagi shrugged.

"Why do you guys never know what yous have next..." Reo sighed.

"Like, I look at my timetable and then forget it 10 minutes afterwards." Hyo shrugged.

"I don't even look to be honest." Isagi shrugged.

"Do yous even have your timetables on you..?" Reo asked.

"Nope." Isagi said.

"Oh, I have a picture on my phone, hang on." Hyo said as he pulled his phone out.

"We have...cooking....." Hyo said as his mood completely depleted.

"I am not joining your group for this class." Isagi said.

"You know, I don't blame you." Reo sweatdropped.

"Can't even blame you's either..." Hyo sighed.

"Can you not cook Hyo?" Nagi asked tilting his head.

"Nope, even if my life depended on it." Hyo nodded.

"Me and Chigiri had tried to teach Hyo, it...didn't turn out so well..." Reo mumbled awkwardly.

Hyo just laughed awkwardly.

"Can imagine." Isagi nodded.

They continued talking, though, Kurona didn't speak the rest of interval, he just rested against Isagi, listening to their conversations and all. Though, nothing else really happened and interval ended quickly.

"Cya at break!" Hyo waved bye to the 2 as the 3 of them now headed to cooking.

"Can I skip this class..?" Hyo asked.

"Nope." Isagi said.

"I'm gonna fail this class!" Hyo whined.

"Maybe you'll learn how to cook." Isagi shrugged.

"Sure..." Hyo sweatdropped.

They then made it to cooking class, the teacher had introduced themselves since this would be the first time in this class. And what they had to do was get into a group of 4.

"Would you like to join me and Hyo, Kurona?" Isagi asked.

"Ah, would that be okay with yous?" Kurona asked.

"Of course, right Hyo?" Isagi said and looked at Hyo, who nodded with a smile.

"Thanks." Kurona nodded with a smile.

"Ah, can I also join?" Chigiri joined in popping up behind Hyo, giving Hyo as usual, a heart attack.

"Sure." Isagi shrugged, Hyo nodded his head in agreement.

"So what're we doing again?" Hyo asked.

"I don't remember." Isagi said.

"We're making a type of dish from another country." Chigiri explained with a small laugh.

"Ooh, okay what're we doing?" Isagi asked.

"Y'all could do something like an Italian dish, maybe even a Thai dish." Hyo shrugged.

"I like Thai food." Hyo smiled.

"We could do Thai dish, yous okay with that?" Chigiri asked looking at Kurona and Isagi, who both nodded.

"Hyo go sit somewhere." Isagi laughed a little.

"Rogerrr~" Hyo smiled and grabbed a chair sitting down on it by the counters.

The group decided on what they'd be making and started prepping it, during the time Isagi wasn't realizing he was doing something wrong, Chigiri noticed it though and walked over to Isagi.

"Heya, Isagi, you do it like this." Chigiri said as he walked up behind Isagi and placed his hands on Isagis guiding him on what he was doing wrong.

"Ah...I see, thanks." Isagi smiled as he turned his head to look at Chigiri.

Chigiri stared into Isagis eyes for a moment, before nodding with a smile and pulled away to go back to what he was doing, meanwhile, Hyo who watched this happen processed for a second.

"Wait so...bro has pulled Itoshi, Nagi, Kurona possibly even Bachira, and now Chigiri..?" Hyo mumbled to himself.

"Bros a literal magnet..." Hyo determined.



A/n: my heads been hurting like crazy, hence why I haven't been updating, so sorry in advance anyways..😭🙏

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