Chapter 1

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"Have you heard? Our big boss is visiting our department today." Gossips spread around my office like wildfire when it's only 9.

"Boss, is it really true?" Joseph suddenly popped beside my head while I was waking towards my desk that's on the end of the floor.

I jumped in surprise. "W-what? I don't know either. Why are they making such a big deal out of it?"

"It is a big deal. We have never seen his face. Tell me, after all those 8 years you worked here, have you ever seen his face?" He asked enthusiastically while trying to match my walking pace.

I shook my head. "His name is everywhere on the newspaper though."

"See? That proves my point. And he's rumouredly tall, handsome, charismatic, young, buff, and, of course, rich."

"I think even a three year old will know that he's rich. He owns this fucking company."

While Joseph was still babbling about how cool our CEO is, I put my hot pink birkin on my black leather chair and threw my blazer, that matches my birkin, on the top of the chair. I positioned myself in the chair and ignored Joseph and continued on logging into my computer.

"Shouldn't you be in your desk by now?" I confronted him. "Working instead of fanboying about our CEO."

"Yes, right away, Ma'am." Joseph ran back to his station which is a few meters away from my desk.

Our office is enormous. One floor consists of 2 departments. And there is around 13 floors in this building. Our building here is the main company, so it is the biggest branch. The CEO always work in this building whenever he's in town, but he comes in super early at 6. Not to mention he has his own floor on level 14. I've never been there, but I heard it is very luxurius. I mean, it wouldn't be a surprise. Sadly, he's very mysterious since he values his privacy so much. He's extremely cautious of people and media seeing his face, so we have never seen him in the office.

My brain and fingers would not cooperate this morning. I keep making so many typos on this report. Joseph made me distracted, causing me to fantasize about our CEO too.

"Good morning, Mr. Lorei."

Everyone suddenly got up from their seat and bowed, starting from the other end of the room, which is closest to the lift. I realized our boss was here.

I couldn't really see his face because of the sunlight shining through our glass windows. But his black suit—that perfectly wraps around his strong muscles—contrasts so much with the white marble tiles. He fixed his suit while walking in that black shining leather shoes with his rolex shining in his wrist.

Another man was waking behind him with glasses on and an iPad in his hands. I think I know him. He is our CEO's representative who always attended meetings and received files to give to the CEO.

Should I get up and bow too? Maybe I should.

"Good morning, Mr. Lorei." I pushed my chair back and said while facing the floor.

I returned to my standing position right away when I hear him clearing his throat. Feeling insecure, I fixed my white blouse when there's nothing to fix.

The mysterious Deston Lorei is standing in front of my eyes.

"Good morning, Ms. Laurent," Deston greeted me back in his low masculine voice that matches with his face. A cool aura surrounded my office all of a sudden. My body was so stiff as if I was a mannequin.

He is exactly like Joseph said. His features are masculine. His high cheekbone popped out of his cheeks. He has thick eyebrows and thick firm lips. His nose is tall and slim, his jaw is strong and defined, and his eyes are green. His hair is fluffy and wavy that makes me want to feel them. He wasn't exactly young. But I mean being a CEO in his early 30s is an achievement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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