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First peak at magic.


A very sad looking hut sits perched upon a targe rock far at sea. Wind whistles. The sea rages. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia sleep on a lumpy bed in the hut's-only bedroom. Dudley snores on a moth-eaten sofa. Hadrian and Morrígan lie on the bare floor beneath a ragged blanket. Lightning flashes as the room goes dark again, Hadrian studies the lighted dial of Dudley's watch. As it ticks toward midnight, Hadrian puts the last touches to a Birthday cake he's etched in the dust that layers the floor.

"Make a wish, Hadrian." Morrígan sadly smiles at him. Closing his eyes, he blows and the "flames" of dust scatter. Eyes still closed; Hadrian holds the wish when, BOOM! The door shudder hinges squeal. A pin squirrels out of its housing. Falls to the floor.
BOOM! Uncle Vernon comes sledding into the room in his socks, a rifle in hand, paper hanging by a string from the barrel. "Who's there? I warn you- I'm armed!" SMASH! The door falls flat. An immense silhouette stands
against the raging sea outside, identical to the beastly figure seen climbing the-stairs in Godric's Hollow. Hagrid is back. Presently he is standing on the front door. "Er, right. Sorry 'bout that." Hagrid steps clear, takes the door, and fits it back into its frame.

Glancing at Dudley, he frowns. "Mind, I haven't seen yeh since you was a baby, Harry, but yeh' re a bit more along than I woulda epected. 'Specially round the middle. Where's Rose?" Morrígan scowls at the nickname. "I'm not Harry-" Dudley shudders, Hadrian rolling his eyes at him. "Its Hadrian and Morrígan, actually." Morrígan corrects him. Hagrid turns, watches they're faces come into the light. " Sorry. Well now, course yeh are the Potters." Hagrid says, while Morrígan eyes him, suspicious.

"I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!" Vernon says. "Ah, dry up, Dursley, yeh great prune" Hagrid takes the rifle, and bends it up. "Anyway, Harr- Hadrian, Morrígan. Got summat fer yeh. 'Fraid I mighta sat on it at some point,. but 'magine it' taste all right jus' the same let's see now got it here somewhere." Hagrid rummages in his coat, removes: a kettle, frying pan, sausages, one pink umbrella and, finally, a squashed paper box containing a CHOCOLATE CAKE with "Happee Birthdae, Harry end Rose" scrawled in green icing.

"Baked it meself, words an' all."

"Thank you."

"Well, it's not ev'ry day yer young man turns 'leven." Hagrid turns to the fireplace, gives the embers a poke with the pink umbrella. As they roar to life, he takes the frying pan, lobs in the sausages. Dudley perks up as they sizzle. "Excuse me, but who are you?" Hadrian stares blankly.

"Rubus Hagrid, ground keeper of Hogwarts. School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"School of what?" Hagrid frowns.

"Blimey, Hadrian, did yeh never wonder where yer parents learnt it all?"

"Learned what?"

"What? DURSLEY!!! Do yeh mean ter tell me this children knows nothin?" Uncle Vernon stands mute. Hagrid simmers, then shakes his head and turns back to the fire. "yer a wizard and witch." He says to the siblings.
For a moment, the their is utterly silent. "I'm a what?" Hadrian asks. "A Wizard and Witch. And thumpin' good 'uns, I'd wager, once yeh've been trained up a bit." Hagrid says.

"No. You've made a mistake. I- I can't
be a wizard. I mean- I'm just Hadrian. Just Hadrian." Hadrian denies it. "Tha' right. Tell me, just Hadrian ever make somethin' strange 'appen? When yeh was scared maybe. Or angry?" As Hadrian looks up in recognition, Hagrid slaps soggy envelopes into Hadrian's and Morrígan's hands. Hadrian opens it, and reads. 'Dear Mr. Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' As Hadrian looks up, Hagrid winks, and takes a bite of sausage.

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