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We need to come across some points before Carmem can ever get the thought of wanting to kill Josuke and Jotaro for making her go through this stupid plan. Point one: stone may be very strong, but with time, even the wind can break it down. Point two: Josuke always suspects of others. A bit ominous, but you'll understand later. Now. About that plan.

It was sunset when everyone was at their place, ready to start their plan to find the Mhorio Assasin. Which required Carmem to be the bait, and she was, understandably, very pissed off. "This is a shit plan, why me exactly?" She asked to Josuke hoping for a new and better answer.
"Because~ you're a very pretty lady, and the only pretty lady we know and could use as bait!"
Not what she was hoping for."You know how fucked up that is, right?"
"Yep, but-" he shrugged it off not exactly feeling what Carmem was feeling, "it's not my idea so ya know." He did a raspberry noise, further proving how unbothered he is.
Carmem scoffed, not surprised but still so very annoyed. "Yet here you are, going along just fine with it, hmm?"
"That's because I know that a: you're gonna be fine-"
"Easy for you to say..." Carmem said to herself under her breath, not realizing that Josuke was able to hear that clearly.
"... and b: I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." His tone changed a bit, to Carmem it did come of a bit serious, but she was still mad at him to take him as seriously.
"Awe, how sweet." She replied in a deadpan voice, her face matching the tone when looking at Josuke.
"I know right" Josuke grinned and he was back to being a pain in the ass, according to Carmem.

"So, you ready?"
"I'm ready to ditch you guys here" Carmem rolled her eyes. When she looked down the road she was supposed to go down, she felt so much more nervous and actually scared, imagining what could happen on this empty and slowly darkening street. Her arms were crossed the entire time, but now the grip of her hands tightened, trying to hold herself firmly. And you can guess if Josuke noticed that or not.
"Come one, Carm," Josuke waddled around to stand in front of the little lady, crouching down a bit and placing both hands on each of her shoulders, eye contact very much secured. "I meant what I said, truly! Do you trust me?" Carmem looked back deeply into his eyes, a lil bit flustered since she's not used to eye contact, especially this close from anyone else, taking a while to think of a response for Josuke.
"I... well I'm still here so... maybe..." she does trust him, just didn't want to admit it to his face.
"I can work with that." He smiled to her. Carmem always found it... different, when she notices how much Josuke's face just... brightens up. He always has a bright face but she forgets about it until she pays close attention to him. Not that it happens often, but it does. "You remember the plan right? After two blocks Jotaro and Okuyasu will be close by; Koichi will-"
"I know the plan, Josuke"
"Ok ok! Just checking. And I'll be right behind you." Josuke nodded, waiting for her to nod back, signalizing in a way that she understood that he is being serious and that she does trust him. Josuke waddled back behind her, and gave her a lil push forwards. She stumbled a bit, looking back at him with a death glare as she regained her balance.

And so Carmem finally, hesitantly, crossed abs started to walk down the road. It was a dumb and dangerous plan mainly for the reason that she wasn't allowed to immediately call out her stand, and they had no idea who to suspect was gonna come after her. Anybody was suspicious at this moment. When she left the safety of the perimeter of cars passing by and being seen, she noticed a man up ahead with a briefcase just leaning against a wall. Probably smoking, but she couldn't care about what he was doing when the only thing she did care about was getting out of there alive. Normal she could handle these situations, it would spook her all the time of course, but that was because she could defend herself. Now, not so much.

A man could simply be a man when walking behind you, but when you've had one to many bastards almost follow you home, drunk or not, it's better to be safe than sorry. Carmem kept thinking to herself that if that man where to start follow her, she was gonna kill Josuke afterwards, and boy did she hate it when she guessed right. Carmem could sense him picking himself off the wall, picking up the briefcase and slowly walk behind her. She tried to toughen up her visual, letting her arms fall and swing by her side, still looking straight ahead and forcing a bit her resting pissed off face. She couldn't thing about anything else other than to get over this and to beat someone up when this was over.

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