So you think you can friend fiction

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    Tina and her class decided to go on a trip to England. Tina fell in love with this idea because she loves guys with accents. Just like that one guy, Duncan from King's head island. She loved his accent so much that she even went on to have crushes on other guys with accents. Remember that time Tina was studying Spanish in the library. Welp, during that time Tina found a book about England and it had hot guys on the cover. She then asked the librarian guy Mr.Ambrose for help on finding a tape about English people. It became her dream to go to England.

     One day in class, after Tina spent the day studying in the library and met up with her siblings. Tina went to Ms. Jacobson's class that day, along with Jimmy Junior and Zeke. Jimmy Junior and her were on again in their relationship. They started walking to class together again. However, Zeke ended up joining them unknowingly to Tina. She likes Zeke. It's just sometimes she feels like he gets in the way of her relationship with Jimmy Junior. She lets the situation slide because of how much she likes Jimmy Junior. Tina just wants to make him happy with her. So, she's friends with Zeke begrungingly.

     All three of them walked into Ms. Jacobson's class, then they saw Tammy and Jocelyn already there. All of them sat together and waited for class to start. Ms. Jacobson spent the beginning of class going over what they're discussing today. However, Tina blanked out during most of the discussion. She was staring at Jimmy junior while he was talking to Zeke. Ms. Jackobson interrupted Tina during her daydream.

"Um, Tina if I may ask. May you please pay attention. As I'm sure you guys will love what I'm about to discuss" she said.

"Sorry, Ms. Jacobson. I was just wondering about what you said earlier you know. About the history project today? Right? Did I get it right? Tina asked.

"No, sorry. Actually, I was discussing a school trip that I need your parents to sign a permission slip for. Please, remember to pay attention everyone" she shouted out loud to the class.

"Way to be a boob-punch Tina" Tammy said as she laughed.

"Uh, Tammy mind your own business. I was just worried about something about the restaurant ok" she said.

"Then why were you staring over her the whole time Tina" Jocelyn said.

"I just zoned out" as she stared at them and Jimmy junior awkwardly.

"Well, stare somewhere else ok. It's like your eyes are staring into my soul" Tammy said.

"Whatever, Tammy. You're not much to look at anyway. I wasn't staring at you" Tina said as she looked at Jimmy Junior.

Jimmy Junior stared back at her and smiled awkwardly. He didn't want Tammy saying anything. Zeke was just oblivious trying to get Jimmy Junior's attention again.

"People please, let's pay attention," Ms Jacobson said.

She handed out the permission slips to everyone in class.

"Now, in order to raise money for your ticket to go. You need to sell candy bars. The goal will be at least $500 per ticket. This will allow me to sum up all the money for everyone's ticket. The school will put up the rest" she said.

Tina raised her hand. "How come the school is only putting up half? What if it's hard to raise money?"she asked.

"This is to teach you guys responsibility with money. Plus, the school budget will only help us put up half the money" she said.

"Why don't we also do a bake sale to help send students to england? " Tina asked.

"That's a great idea. We can do both". She said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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