Chapter 23

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The metaphorical bombs dropped on them could not be good for anyone's health, that is the one thing Nami is sure of even after the conversation ended hours ago. But, she didn't let it distract her for too long. The storm had let up a bit, so it was good - not smooth - sailing from there. She'd directed the boys to keep the light from the distant lighthouse in view because that was the only way they wouldn't get the ship lost while she took a well deserved nap.

Usopp, much like Nami, had come down with 'I-can't-handle-this-information-properly disease' and was calming himself down by messing with his slingshot. He wasn't shooting anything, just messing around and seeing if any repairs needed to be done. Though, he quickly came to the conclusion that nothing was broken and nothing needed to be improved, so he got bored again.

Much like the other two, Sanji was busying himself so that he could process the fact that there were more people like Luffy. On top of the fact that he had just met the brother of a monster, he was trying to figure out why this obviously noble person was related to Luffy. Could his captain be a noble? No, that's impossible. One look at the kid and it's obvious. Are the two just...not related? Plausible.

Unlike everyone else, Zoro seemed to be the only one to remain calm at the fact that Luffy has a brother. Honestly, he was more surprised that Nami was freaking out. Didn't she remember that she knew that already? Luffy told them just after meeting her that he has two brothers. Though, that made him all the more curious. Luffy's strong, and logic dictates that his older brothers are stronger than him. Would Sabo beat Luffy in a fight? And what about his other brother? Could he beat them both in a fight? All questions to ask his captain, but not when the rest of the crew is around. Call him an ass, but he'd love to laugh at them when Luffy reveals his other brother.

Luffy and Sabo, on the other hand, were very much enjoying their time together. It'd been a while since they last spoke, so they were drinking in each other's presence. The two found themselves on top of the cabin with Nami's trees. They didn't say anything because nothing needed to be said. Being with one another was enough for now. Neither knew for sure how long this would last, but Sabo had a very good idea. Soon, though, the quiet between the two brothers was broken.

"Have you told them?" Sabo asked softly.

It took Luffy a few moments to figure out what his brother was asking about. I grim, but soft, look crossed his face. "Kinda. Zoro and Nami know about as much as you do. Different details, but they know."

Sabo hummed and the silence overtook them once again, the waves and wind from the now passing storm being the only sound between them. It wasn't long before the blond spoke again. "You told me about the Terminal Fire from your original timeline. What did you tell those two about?"

Now this, this was a question Luffy didn't want to answer. His expression hardened into one he didn't like to wear and his muscles tensed. The overall air around him changed so drastically from the carefree one that Sabo literally flinched back into a double-take because, what the hell?!

"I-" Luffy cut himself off. It had been years since The War of the Best, but the wounds - Ace's death - were still so fresh. On impulse, his hand flew to his chest where an X shaped scar marred it, once upon a time. ""

The action, of course, didn't go unnoticed by Sabo. He didn't know exactly what had happened, but he knew it must've been bad. If Luffy, of all people, couldn't find the words to say anything, then it must've been traumatizing at best. He found himself regretting asking. He knew that things had gone to shit and that his brother's friends were gone, so why did he ask?! Sabo cursed himself under his breath. Before he could retract his statement, though, Luffy spoke up.

"I told you that there was a war," his voice was soft, barely heard over the calming wind and waves, "But that's not where it started. 'The War of the Best' at Marineford is what started everything. Though there were smaller events before that, that was the big one." Luffy stopped and sat up. He was going to wait till he'd gotten everyone before he let it slip, but maybe he should tell them now? Yeah, he'd tell Usopp and Sanji what he told Zoro and Nami.

Luffy didn't smile as he stood up, Sabo following him. The two made their way into the galley where Sanji was manning the rudder and Usopp was messing with his slingshot some more. Zoro was taking a nap on deck and Nami was napping in her room. It didn't matter if those two joined them, though, they already knew this information anyway.

Sabo didn't know what was going on through his brother's head, but he had the feeling he wasn't going to like it. So, he sat in the corner and away from the three pirates. While he was involved somewhat, it was still an internal affair that he technically shouldn't be privy to. Sitting far away was the best way to exclude himself without making Luffy have to repeat himself.

"Sanji, Usopp?" The two looked up at their captain when he said their names, taking immediate notice of his mood and tensing up. "I need to talk to you two. Do you have a minute?"

Usopp was quick to nod and put his stuff away, but Sanji took a bit longer to give Luffy his full attention. He knew that the captain, first mate, and navigator were hiding something, but he wasn't too hopeful on getting to be in on the secret. Was this even what this was about? It would explain why Zoro and Nami weren't joining them, but that didn't explain why their guest was there. Did he not know either?

Luffy sat across from the two at the table. Sanji had left the rudder, but was keeping his eye on it. Usopp had put his things back into his bag and was facing him. Sabo was standing in the far corner facing him as well. Taking a deep breath, he began his story. He wasn't going to tell them any more than what Zoro and Nami knew. He knew he'd have to repeat himself when he got the rest of his crew, but that was still a bit off. "I'm from the future." he led with.

He was careful to watch the three's expressions as he told them his tale. He recounted - almost exactly word-for-word - what he told Nami and Zoro no more than three weeks ago. Had it really been that short a time? Oh, well. Sanji and Sabo were careful to keep their faces as neutral as possible, but not even their noble training was keeping their emotions in total check. Usopp, however, wasn't even trying to hide what he was feeling. When Luffy was done, the three remained silent, obviously unsure of how to react at the moment.

Without another word, Luffy stood and left the galley. The three needed time to process and he needed to calm down. Using his Observation Haki, he checked to see if there was anything neary he had to worry about. Nami was still asleep in her room, Zoro was still sleeping on deck, Sanji and Usopp and Sabo were still in the galley, and there was no one around him. Good.

He didn't know how Zoro would react, but Luffy decided to lay down with him, using the swordsman's legs as a pillow. He'd done this a bunch in his original time when he was upset. That was only after they'd been separated for two years, though, so Luffy wasn't quite sure how Zoro - or anyone, really - would react to him doing this.

Zoro didn't react aside from a small tensing of his leg muscles. He'd been awake for only a few minutes, just long enough to notice Luffy leaving the galley. He'd planned on going back to sleep, but then he felt a weight on his leg. He opened his eyes to see what was going on, but he relaxed when he realized it was only Luffy. But that begged the question of why exactly the boy was using his leg as a pillow.

"What're you doing?" Zoro asked, his voice low.

Luffy's answer was just as quiet. "Sleeping."

"I can see that, but why on my leg?"

"I told Sanji and Usopp that I'm from the future."

That wasn't exactly the answer Zoro was expecting, but he accepted it nonetheless. It was obvious that his captain needed comfort, and Zoro found himself smiling lightly at the fact that he was the one Luffy came to to get that comfort. "Alright. Stay as long as you want."

"Thanks." And that was that.

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