Chapter One | A Beginning (Part 1 of 3)

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          After a series of unfortunate events just to get in your van and a tiresome drive with the low fuel light threatening to leave you without a ride, you've finally made it.

          Your sanity balances itself on a thread, and you're pretty certain you look like a mess with the rain having ruined your makeup, yet you're here, and that's what matters. 

          So, maybe you did run over your phone after it fell while you were packing everything into the van in a frenzy. And perhaps you did lose all the phone numbers you worked so hard to collect when your notebook dipped into the dirtiest of puddles. But you at least have your neighbours' names, you know what they look like, and you've met a few of them once already. For instance, you've been detained by Undyne herself, the fourth name on your helpers list. She's made it clear she needs to interrogate you first before you progress any further – not just from how she looks at you, but because she's physically preventing you by holding the van back with a single hand over the front. 

          When she sees you change gears from drive to park, it's then that she lets go and walks to your side.

          You sit up straight and try to maintain eye contact, yet that comes at the cost of sweaty palms and a weak voice.

          "Name?" she asks, placing her arm over the open window. 

          "Oh, uh… I'm-"

          "Wait," she says, narrowing her eyes. "You're the new substitute for secondary, aren't you?" She checks her phone. "Here pretty early, actually."

          Your alarmed state since waking up this morning ends when you process what she's just said.

          "I'm not late?" you ask.

          "It's… six sharp," she replies.

          She looks as confused as she sounds. 

          "You got a watch with you – a phone?"

          You look at her like she's said something incoherent, mind refusing to accept it's that early. Because if it really is six o'clock, that would mean you woke up at two, and that you'd taken off at four. That would explain how dark it was outside, how sleepy your child was when you pulled them out of bed, how quiet the neighbourhood was while you were packing, and how traffic was worse than usual. You clearly remember your alarm marking on five in the morning, and you also clearly remember the phone saying it was seven before it got run over. But then you recall your alarm's been needing a change of batteries, and that you hadn't bothered to fix your phone's timezone since you bought it. 

          "...My van's, and it says it's past nine."


          And there's that awkward silence you never fail to cause.

          "No wonder everything's felt… off," you state, sighing.

          Undyne grins – just as awkward.

          Whereas, you slump and groan, letting your head fall over the steering wheel with enough carefulness not to trigger the horn.

          "You've got a kid with you, right?" she asks, grin changing to a frown.

          You look through the rearview mirror and see your child's woken up, likely from your conversation.

          "Um… yes."

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