1, hello...?

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All the songs I put up there ^ are going to be songs she made also this is before she becomes famous

My name is Jayden west uhm well Im a singer/songwriter/music producer/ whatever you can think of that involves music. Im a small artist I only do gigs at like a Denny's or bars
Why am I even doing this? This is stupid" I say pressing the red button to stop recording

"It's so that you can watch it again when your famous I think it's a good idea"my best friend andrea says
"And what makes you so sure I'm going to be famous ?" I ask
"I just know so I mean have you heard your music? Your fucking amazing jay!" She says
"Yeah yeah well...thank you" I smile

"I'm so proud of you" she smiles
I look at her and smile back "I'm proud of you too, you've accomplished a lot like Your a whole ass doctor!" i say
"Going to be a doctor" she corrects me

"Dude it doesn't matter Your basically a doctor already!" I say

She laughs and just stares at me

"What? Do I have something on my face" I ask
She shakes her head
"Your beautiful you know that right?" She says getting closer to me

I blush and look away"well now I know" I say smiling and looking back at her
"Your beautiful too like if like well you know how cute a puppy is? Take all that cuteness, multiply it by 10 and put it on your face" I explain making movements with my hands

"Thank you" she laughs

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