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The name of the girl is jaihi
Jaihi pov ,

Its my first day of school i don't know how i will adjust or make friends but i have a good nature so i will manage when i enter in the class i chose a seat a girl was siting their she looks intelligent

Jaihi:hi how r u

????: fine u look like a new one

Jaihi: yes i am new my name is jaihi what is ur name

???:my name is abiha

(Suddenly the teacher enters)

All students came to the class i was brilliant student so i made my image infront of teacher realy soon

Time by time i start liking abiha she is just gorgeous i thought that abiha also like me so i want to offer jer my friend ship i share my all news and every kind of coincidence with her

(But is she intetested in me)

One day i adk fot het number but she said she doesnt use mobile it was curious but okay

Next day
I get up eat break fast and go to the school today i forgot to do my homework i did my homework in lunch time i was tensed that if someone told that to teacher it will harm my image

Class starts
Teacher start checking homework no one told to teacher that i did homework in school
Suddenly a voice burst
??? : she did homework in class
When i turn it was no one just a girl named ayesha how did she know about that only abiha knows that secrate

Teacher: is she right
I lower my head and nod she scolded me it hurts when ur favorite teacher scolds u
I go on my seat and cry when i beacame stable i walked to ayesha and said

Jaihi: whats wrong did i did to u why u did that (i said that with serious anger on my face

Ayesha : abiha forced me to did that

I was shocked she was my friend how is that possible

Ayesha : not only this time she always pinched u she is jealous of u so why she did that

A huge mountain fell on my head i was broken i took my bag and ran out of the class i was so sad and disappointed

(Suddenly i bumped into someone chest she was abiha)

I was so sad that i shout realy hard why u did that to me i think we were good friends

Abiha: good friends!!! Nice joke hahahaha u always take my place in class u cheater

Her words r hurting me so hard
Abiha grabbed arm of a girl named romaisa and said she is my bestie

I was broken and ran away to home every one is watching me like an interesting movie

broken lonely angelWhere stories live. Discover now