A new beginning

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,,Honey? Time to wake up.", a soft voice said from the doorframe.
,,Mom, give me 5 minutes.", she answered.
,,You said that 10 minutes ago. So get the hell out of bad or you will be late at school!", the soft voice screamed.
,,Yeah, it's okay. I'm awake now. It was really late last night.", the blonde yawns.
,,It was your decision to do both, school and Dancing with the stars. So don't blame it on us. Your father and I were against this.", her mother states.
,,This is not healthy for you."
,,Mommy, that doesn't works on Witney. She is a fucking stubborn kid."
,,You know that you're failing your job as a brother, Derek?", Witney says.
,,Yep, I know that.", the man laughed and closed the door.


,,It was her decision mom. She wanted both, school and dancing. The producers said if she is good at school, she can do both. And, I mean, Julianne and I are looking out for her. Emma and Artem too. She is not the little kid, she is a grown woman now.", Derek gave his mother a speech.
,,I know that, Derek. But she changed. A lot. She will always be our little girl. After the break up with Mark, I think that I barely even know her. And your father said that she is coming home later than normal. I got a call from Coach Tanner. She was demoted from the first team because of her lack of present.", his mother told him.
,,I'm ready to go.", Witney said as she was coming down.
,,Something wrong?"
,,No, Mom just told me that I should drive you to school."
Derek looked at his mother and shakes his head.
,,So lets go.", she smiled at his brother.


,,Where is Julianne. I didn't saw her this morning."
,,The Studio called and asked her if she can choreography a new routine for the show.", the man answers and looked on the street.
,,So mom told me."
,,Told you what? That I got kicked out of the Team? Or that Dad is angry because I'm coming later than normal at home?", Witney challenged her brother as he stopped at a red light.
,,Look, I don't know what happend between you and Mark, okay. Because you are not talking about that shit. But I'm your brother, love it or hate it. I'm worried. That's not you.", Derek explained.
The blond was just looking out the window.
,,Are you even listening to what I say?", he asked angry.
,,Yes, but what you said is bullshit. I doesn't changed a lot. I will be back in the first team in no time."
,,Why do you think that they will let you after what you did. You were late, disrespectful and pitched like a rookie."
,,Maybe, but they need me. And I will behave. And with Mark. He is your best friend after all. I don't want to change this.", the blonde explained it.
,,So you don't want to tell me what happend, right?", he asked again.
,,No, Derek. Just give me time. I'm not perfect. But no one in the universe is perfect."
Derek stopped the car in the parking lot in front of the school. Witney was ready to go as he stopped her.
,,You should know that I'm here for you. And be careful. I know how you pitch. As we were kids, I was your catcher. Just be patience."
,,I love you to Derek. It's a new school year and a new beginning for me.", she laughs as she got in the school.

His phone rings and after the third ring he got the call.
,,Did you talk with her?", the woman asked at the end of the line.
,,Yes, but she refused to talk about it.", he answered her.
,,Maybe I should talk to her. I mean, you're her brother. I don't want to talk about my love life with you.", she laughed.
,,That's because you don't have a love life, Julianne.", Derek joked.
,,I will talk to her.", she just said and end the call.
Derek just sat in his car in front of the dancing studio and zipped through his phone. After he found the number from his best friend, his finger lingered of the screen.
I don't know if I can asked him, he thought, but she is my sister.
Derek was so in thought that he doesn't even noticed the man.
,,Yo, are you coming?"
Derek startled.
,,Are you okay?", Mark asked his best friend.
,,Sure. Let's go".
Derek got out of his car and looked at his best friend. He decided not to asked his best friend. He wanted to hear it from his sister. It was Witneys decision to take time and talk about it with him. Yes Derek was her brother, but in the end it is her own life.

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